Deal between Macedonia and Russia

Day 4,425, 10:34 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia by Narodna Banka na Makedonija

Dear eWorld,

Recently Macedonia has declared Russia as a Natural enemy. The issue occurred when Russia took a region from Croatia, by Croatian request, which was not part of their Training war(TW), and with which they blocked Serbian-Croatian war. Croatians took advantage over this situation and without informing the Russians, before losing their region to Russia, they sent a Natural Enemy law against Serbia. With this, the deal between Russia and Croatia was harmed by Croatia, as Russia has before stated that they don't want to take part in the war.

The two governments have found a solution:

1) Russia will start a Resistance war in Northwest Croatia and liberate the region;
2) Macedonian attack over Russia will go on auto attack and Russia will win it(in Portugal regions);
3) The war between Macedonia and Russia will be closed as soon as possible.

Macedonia looks forward into improving the harmed relationship and building trust with Russia.

Signed :
Country President of eMacedonia davoritos
Prime Minister of eRussia nimnul