Deadline: 17.07.2017 or it's Game Over

Day 3,492, 10:43 Published in Romania Republic of Moldova by MDreams

May 30, 2017 - "Stillfront has today announced the acquisition of eRepublik Labs. eRepublik, based in Dublin, Ireland, and Bucharest, Romania was co-founded in 2007 by Alexis Bonte (CEO) and George Lemnaru."

Jörgen Larsson, CEO, Stillfront Group, comments:
”eRepublik fits perfectly into Stillfront’s strategy PLEX by broadening Stillfront’s portfolio of studios and games with characteristics that drives long term gamer retention. The acquisition forms an important part of the realization of Stillfront’s growth strategy."

Tre' sa fii de-a dreptul irational sa crezi ca s-ar fi putut schimba/implementa ceva ingame intr-un timp atat de scurt, dar au trecut 2 saptamani si nu am primit nici un anunt/articol oficial adresat jucatorilor. Au facut 2-3 schimbari estetice si cam atat. Concluzie: primul pas - fail.

Spre ce ne indreptam?! Ce urmeaza sa fie implementat (macar un hint)?! Rebranding sau nu?! Servere noi sau nu?! To be or not to be?!

Astept un raspuns/anunt oficial referitor la viitorul acestui joc or i'm out of here (la schimbari nici nu ma gandesc).

Si pentru ca articolul e boring va dau si motiv pentru endorse

MDreams, illuminated