Day 846 News

Day 846, 14:40 Published in USA USA by George Griffin

I have a few main endorsements today. I know that they are a bit late! I just want to give my endorsement to these people...

Democratic Republicans


American Advancement Party

Max McFarland2

Libertarian Party


United Independents Party


United States Workers Party

Jude Connors

Good luck to everyone!

I also want to remind you that classes at the Democratic Republican University (DRU) are open for enrollment! sign up for one!

World History
Teacher: Logan Dunleavy

Party Leadership
Teacher: George Griffin

Foreign Affairs
Teacher: Comandokiller

Dean Pick
Info: If you pick this, the school will place you in a class for you.

Please sign up! Classes start March 17th ! Mail George Griffin to enroll now!

Have a great night folks!

George Griffin
Party Greeter
Party Recruiter
Dean of The DRU
Deputy Ambassador of Pakistan