Day 1088 – UK aids Germany while Canada advance on UK homeland.

Day 1,088, 08:41 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Norfolk

Eastern Netherlands was conquered by United Kingdom in the war versus Netherlands.
Southern Netherlands was conquered by United Kingdom in the war versus Netherlands.

Over the last couple days the UK has slowly moved though the Netherlands to gain a border with Sweden and Poland who are currently storming through Germany. The Netherlands were taken by surprise when the UK attacked and the NL government voiced disagreement over the attack on their homeland. The cause of this disagreement was allegedly because the NL government were not informed of the plans to move through their regions which has been put down to a miscommunication error between the two Phoenix countries. The UK leadership has said that the issue has been resolved after talks with NL and that the UK will work with the NL and Germany to defend their regions.

United Kingdom attacked Lower Saxony and Bremen, Sweden.

Shortly after taking Eastern Netherlands, the UK quickly attacked Lower Saxony and Bremen, a former German region which is currently held by Sweden. The move is an attempt to push back Sweden who are currently one of 3 countries currently attacking Germany, if successful, the UK can move forward and attack Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg and possibly remove Sweden from the German theatre of war. If the UK and Phoenix manage to pull off this feat then Phoenix could even the odds on this battlefront and push back the EDEN aggressors.

East Midlands was conquered by Canada in the war versus United Kingdom.
Canada attacked West Midlands, United Kingdom.

Canada has accelerated its attack on the UK homeland in the last two days after the UK moved into mainland Europe to aid Germany. Now only one region separates Canada from the UK’s fortress region of London, if London was to fall then that could spell trouble for the UK and her attempts to aid Germany.


On the international scene, Spain has managed to retake all but 2 of their original regions, however with 4 retaliatory attacks currently under way Spain are on their back foot once more. It remains to be seen whether Phoenix will put any effort into the battles with much higher stakes across Europe.

In north east Europe Estonia are facing a total wipe out after Finland and Latvia targeted all remaining Estonian regions. As it stands, Finland have already won one of their two battles and are winning the second, however Latvia are having less luck and may lose out against the Estonian defences. If this were to happen then Finland could target the region and could wipe Latvia from the map until a successful resistance could be launched.

For a more in-depth and unbiased review of the New World's international military news then I suggest you read Lieutenant Scheisskopf 's newspaper.

Thanks for reading,
George Norfolk.