Dawenxi Press Open Today 文西新闻 今日开张

Day 638, 13:15 Published in China North Korea by dawenxi

Dear friends, party members and citizens,

I was elected to be party president of People's Republic Party. I think it's necessary to publish newspaper to communicate with everybody.

Introduction to me
Maybe someone have known me well, maybe someone have seen me somewhere, maybe someone did not even hear of me. It doesn't matter. Let me introduce myself first. I live in RL Beijing and am so-called native Chinese. In our country eChina, player structure has been changing. In recent two months, we have a decent group of native Chinese player entering eChina. Many native Chinese players are Chinese-only-Speaking and most of them show no interest in express their views in newspaper, so that a language barrier formed. I hope my newspaper can cease this language barrier and to help English-only-Speaking citizens and Chinese-only-Speaking citizens work together.

As a congressman, in my mandate I have proposed two laws and both of them were passed successfully. You may know them. The first law proposal is Tax change: Weapon Income Tax from 3% to 5%.

The second is Issue Money,to issue 50000 CNY for 250 GOLD,to increase money supply according to the growth of commodity production.
So you maybe begin to know me.

My wishes
I donnot wanna use bueatifull words. What I really want is that eChina will be greater and greater. Though we all know eChina still have a long way to go to be a really great country in this eWorld, we should work together to improve eChina step by step.
In my mandate of party president of PRP, I think my mainly tasks are:
1 to help PRP continue to have a nice result
in following congress election. to help more Party members march into congress.
2 to unite more and more friends together around PRP, whatever you are Chinese-only-Speaker or English-only-Speaker.
3 be aware of enemies of PRP to TO our party or enemies of eChina to TO our country.

In the following congress election, if you wanna be congress candidate of PRP, please send me msg to tell me your favourite election region.

Work together, whatever Chinese-only-Speaker or English-only-Speaker you are!

Please subscribe and vote. 🙂

By your friend, current Party President of PRP, dawenxi

Chinese Version

亲爱的中国 玩家朋友们,

由于我在 8月份当选 为PRP党主席 ,不得不 在这里创办 一份报纸 跟玩家们交流 ,主要是让 英语玩家了解 一下中文玩家 在论坛上关于 国家事务的一 些讨论,以便 团结国际友人 ,同时也给 中文玩家提供 一点阅读乐趣 和方便。于是 《Dawenxi Press》 今天开始出版 了。中文名 可以叫《文西 新闻》或者 随便什么。

现在的 eChina玩家 结构,中文玩家 和英文玩家 都有很多, 大家也不能 只在中文论坛 里待着,还 是得出来 跟英文玩家 交流一下, 不然的话 双方隔阂就 比较多, 互相不知道 对方在想什么, 这样是 不利于国家的 整体发展的。 英文玩家中 有很多是热心 于和致力于 eChina发展的, 可以 给我们很多 帮助。

至于我报纸中 的英文部分, 主要是给 纯英文玩家 阅读,中文 玩家可以自动 忽略英文内容 。中文部分的 内容会跟 英文部分 有所不同, 主要提供给 中文玩家 阅读。

想要参加本次 议员选举的 同志们请在 论坛仔细阅读 相关帖子之后 在论坛里报名 。如果你是 国人新人朋友 ,并且一直 没有跟组织 联系上,请 一定要发 信息给我!

希望朋友们 能够订阅我 的报纸并且 vote我的 报纸:)
