David Morales и неговите грчки „фанови“

Day 1,744, 03:54 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia by Nick Slaughter MK

Пред некој ден на затварањето на БитФест специјален гостин беше светски познатиот DJ, David Morales. На една фотографија на неговата фан-страна на facebook, имаше објавено фотографија каде човекот имаше напишано дека е сликана во Bitola, Macedonia. Тоа одма ги „навреди“ искомплексираните диви свињи од југ, па почнаа да коментираат околу работи кои ни 1% немаат врска со музиката на Дејвид Моралес. Еве го неговиот одговор на тоа.

Dj David Morales

Re: Bitola Macedonia.....It's a real shame how people get all worked up about politics or a history that they were never even a part of. Don't diss me just bc I wrote about something special and amazing and where it happened. I called it as what it's called today. As far as the politics SHAME on u all to have expressed
ur views and ur stupid rhetoric when it was all about a special event that I was invited to perform at and to make people have a good time. Don't involve me in ur politics. It's negative people that hold this world back from progressing and being a better place. Hate ur neighbor, kill ur neighbor. Great philosophy. My compliments to those that have a narrow minded mentality. I have love for all nations and religions. Music has no boundaries. Peace.

Copyright DJ David Morales