Dark times for YUUVA

Day 2,013, 09:14 Published in India India by Maxi Tippkick Maximillian

Dear YUUVA friends,these are grave times for YUUVA.Our capitalist,passion driven ideology is threatened by the advance of socialist parties.Forward Bloc,a strongly socialist party has joined a communist party alliance,eComintren. We and our party has been struck by inactivity and experienced players leaving.My cabinet is not responding because most of them are on vacation.I have contacted parties of eIndian allied nations to come to our aid.I have been trying to work alone but I have learned that with an inactive cabinet we cannot achieve great things that we are capable of.Hence I am organizing an emergency between the YUUVA congress.I am trying to search for right wing alliances,but yet I have found none.I call all capitalist ideologists to YUUVA's aid.We will overcome these dark times so help us god.
Jai Hind