Cyprus, don't be EDEN's puppet! (Bulgaria proposed for NE)

Day 1,595, 14:20 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by tarbuh

A law was just proposed in Cyprus - Bulgaria has been proposed for a Natural Enemy. Yes, we have problems with Greece and Turkey, we have had problems with some other EDEN countries. Cyprus, however, is not a part of EDEN, and Bulgaria doesn't have any quarrels with TERRA countries. We have no interest in Cyprus, and some months ago, we supported you before you became a part of TERRA.

So, why is this law proposed now? Will you be a puppet of Greece and Turkey? You have always pointed out how Greeks and Turks work together in Cyprus for the good of Cyprus, not for the good of Greece or Turkey.

And will you risk your bonuses if you get involved in this conflict? We all know that if you lose a bonus in Saudi Arabia, Turkey will take it and won't return it. Ask Israel about bonuses. Remember your own history just a few months ago in the same region. 😉

So, Cyprus, I hope you will take a wise decision based on your OWN interests. You can only lose if you get involved, and there is nothing to win.

Както виждате на картинката по-горе, ни в клин ни в ръкав Кипър ни предлага за Естествен Враг. Нямаме конфликти с ТЕРА, едно време подкрепяхме Кипър, а едно от нещата, с които се гордеят е как гърци и турци работят заедно за доброто на Кипър, не за Гърция или Турция.

В крайна сметка ако наистина и те се намесят, могат само да губят. И те и Израел много добре знаят, че ако има свободен бонус в този регион, Турция налазва набързо и не пуска кокала доброволно, а да загубят бонус няма да им е трудно може би 😉