Custer's Mid-Term Report & Announcement

Day 5,631, 01:14 Published in USA USA by George Armstrong Custer
It is with a heavy heart...
Oh, boy, another of Custer's 60-year old historical pop culture references..
anyone get it? anyone think it's funny? yeah, well...

Well, ya can’t say I haven’t tried.
I’ve just tried a whole bunch of crap y’all weren’t interested in.

The one project that’s most labor intensive and most important, reviving the Department of Defense newspaper, is not getting through… it’s not pulling the article votes and it’s not having any notable battlefield effect. It’s not reaching the noobs and it’s not stopping the jackwads from medal hunting right across the bow of our national strategies, it’s not getting the support of the old players who already know this shit and don’t need it, and they don’t think it’s worth a click to help new players who maybe don’t know it all yet. In any case.. I’ve roped Voots and shefutzu into daily participation in this charade, and we’re all pretty tired of seeing no results-- oh, except when I threw a fit, and I thank the PPs and MU Commanders who helped boost visibility, and I apologize for being such a dick about boosting the media.
So that might stop.

The least important thing… the clickety-click-gimme project is very popular and would be missed if the project ended.

Updating old tutorials seemed an easier goal than getting fresh ones done, but the hitch is still the same– is anyone interested enough in seeing the work done to be the one to do it? Apparently not.. And I suck at writing tutorials (hey, I took a shot, it sucked), so I am not your boy to run through and fact check and republish tutorials about houses and fighting. So that grand notion goes unfulfilled.

Fuck the Pony Express. It’s a weekly review of what you the readers publish, and y’all don’t publish shit. So I really don’t have to say “fuck the Pony Express,” y’all do that every week.

The very core of government media is the White House Press Release, my beloved WHPR. In the ratings dumpster, no matter whether I publish great material including Quinn and even A_A once, or fluff crap, or military focused real time news from the top generals… y’all don’t read that shit anyways.

And, look, it ain't no thang but a chicken wang-- if ya don't get brilliant ideas and try 'em out then nothing new or cool ever happens.. and not all ideas work. Most ideas don't work. So what. Try again, or try something else.

Which brings me to the crux of this piece.

I came to this Presidency mid-stride in my personal crusade to work on new player retention in part by revitalizing the game media… bring back some of that old sense of community in the media that’s gone long gone… I really thought you’d like that.
The same guys who ran the wars before… the top strategists who’ve been running the wars… I kept them on running the wars. They don’t need this old journalist’s carcass in the way, I’ll just go about my business and be ready to push any buttons as directed..

I figured I could be a President-in-training where necessary, and my vast vacuum of military knowledge would be more than covered by having the best War Team ever.

Works for me. I get to continue on my Unholy Crusade or open up some old Org or whatever.
Doesn’t work for my Generals. While they’ve been patient as hell it’s got to be like having an executive tourist on the bridge…
Doesn’t work for America. A President who doesn’t understand the military module of a military game… is not your best President.

I will continue to try to fill positions, I’ll have to figure out what work is most enjoyable or most effective for my energy… I will continue to serve my country if I can find some way that’s even marginally effective, but come May 6th not as your President.

I'll be on the ballot as a Blocker, only so your next President can have me for a Spiro Agnew instead of Ajay.
Support The Chosen One, I sure will.

Kickstart the media. Every keystroke counts.

Custer's Mid-Term Report & Announcement
