Cum se vede un erepublik halandala | How halandala sees eRepublik

Day 1,793, 14:05 Published in USA Romania by halandala

Toti ne-am dori ca erepublik sa devina din ce in ce mai fascinant, din ce in ce mai incitant, din ce in ce mai populat!
Ar fi bine si pentru administratorii acestui joc, dar si pentru jucatorii actuali erepublik care ar fi o familie si mai mare!
Sa recunoastem, cred ca si adminii sunt constienti de faptul ca jucatorii vechi, jucatorii medii, dar si cei nou-nouti nu sunt tinuti in joc de jocul in sine, cat de chatul in permanenta activ!

Ca sa fac haz de necaz, pana si chatul BF-ului a ajuns foarte populat ~ 35-40 membrii si am pornit de la eu si bot-ul! Umbra aladinus, colegul sau Claudiu976, dar si retrasul vali71, insa mai ales soaresol pot confirma acest lucru!

Sa lasam vorbaraia, ca nu face bine si sa trecem la ce schimbari as vedea eu pentru acest joc:

1) Mod militar REINVENTAT!!

Ma alatur fedorei, care in articolul Admin, give me the parades back, please observa, pe scurt, ca defilarile nu mai sunt ce au fost odata!
Ma bucur, totusi, ca am prins modul militar precedent, pt ca am simtit cu adevarat ce e aia o defilare!
Dragi admini, nu e cazul sa reveniti la modul militar precedent, pentru ca asta ar insemna un esec al dumneavoastra si nimeni nu accepta esecul, insa CRED ca se poate face o magie si sa fie aratati toti oamenii pe o bara de lupta unica si pastrate diviziile actuale - astfel s-ar impaca si capra si varza!

O a doua schimbare militara ar fi facelift-ul diviziilor!
Cum sunt separate diviziile acum?
Toata lumea stie, in functie de level! E total incorect, in opinia mea!
Un om cu 2-3.000 str poate face parte din diviza 1 sau unul cu 10-12 str din divizia 2, sa zicem, si ia BH fara teama😃
Cum ar trebui sa arate diviziile?
In opinia mea, diviziile ar trebui impartite tinand cont de: rank, xp, putere si data intrarii in joc. In acest mod, consider eu ca s-ar face o impartire mult mai inteleapta!

Totusi, cea mai radicala schimbare, in opinia mea ar fi introducerea unor chestii inovative!
Ce semnifica aceste chestii?
Poi hai sa fim sinceri acuma - cu un simplu click si niscai bani ne plimbam in toata e-lumea in doar un minut!
Cum as vedea eu schimbarea acestui lucru?
Simplu - prin adaugarea unui, sa-l numim, mijloc de transport pe unitate! Atentie, PE UNITATE!
Ce inseamna asta?
Deplasarea/mutarea se va face in grup si mai greu! De exemplu, deplasarea din Romania - Sabah in Franta - Aquitane sa se faca in x timp! Acest x sa fie calculat si el in functie de distante!
Cum s-ar face deplasarea in grup? Si mai simplu - prin masini ( cu o capacitate de x oameni, deplasare mai inceata, tarife mai mici) sau prin avioane ( capacitate mult mai mare, timp de deplasare mai mic, dar tarife foarte mari). Iarasi, ATENTIE, tarifele platite de catre unitate, nu de soldati!

In perioada transportului, jucatorii ar putea vedea doar traseul parcurs, nimic altceva!
Astfel, luptele ar deveni mai incitante, zic eu, pentru ca daca nu ai fi calculat, ai risca sa nu ajungi la timp la lupta dorita!

De asemenea, consider ca unitatile militare ar trebui sa fie un pic schimbate:
a) Comandantul nu poate sa se bage peste capitan si asta nu are nici o logica! Ar trebui ca ordinul comandantului sa fie schimbat peste ordinul capitanului!
b) Istoricul unui soldat - cuprinzand actuala, dar si fostele unitati militare si durata petrecuta in fiecare, poate si un damage total!
c) Atunci cand un jucator doreste sa se inscrie intr-o unitate militara, comandantul si echipa sa (continand comandantii secunzi, dar si o noua clasa de titluri/functii - asemanatoare titlurilor politice) sa dea acceptul/refuzul ca acel jucator sa fie primit.
In acelasi timp, ar fi frumos ca pe shout-ul unitatii militare sa apara, concomintent cu intrarea noului soldat, un mesaj de instiintare pt toti membrii " Avem un nou membru, .... ".
Totodata, plecarea unui soldat din unitatea x sa fie anuntata persoanelor mai sus amintite!

de la Mlendea Horatiu:

Batalii jucator vs jucator real[/i] - pentru ca modulul curent este obositor, plictisitor, repetitiv!
Vrem batalii reale, in care sa omoram un adversar mai greu sau mai usor (nu sa ii luam doar 10 viata/hit) si apoi il omor, el ma omoara si pe mine, eu pe el din nou!

Totodata asta ar putea fi baza implementarii unei noi idei si anume ca damage-ul dat sa fie calculat si in functie de conditia armei tale!

2) Modul Economic REGANDIT TOTAL!!!

Nu cred ca-s vreun mare filozof zicand ca modul economic e praf, americanii vand frm-ul cu 0.01 - adica fix pix! Nu se mai merita sa lucrezi in cattle/orice alta ferma ce produce frm, la fel cum nu se mai merita sa-ti faci firme de paine pentru ca poti cumpara papica q7 la pret infim!
Parere personala ca ar trebui simplificate toate aceste q1->q7 arme/paine.
Nu cred sau nu vad vreun motiv sa-mi cumpar o arma q1 care costa 0.77 usd cand Q6 este 8.02 usd!
Inteleg ca rolul rachetelor este de a echilibra piata armelor, dar nu cred ca si-au indeplinit scopul!
Pe de alta parte, munca pentru a produce hrana este, cum vazusem si pe shouturi acum ceva buna vreme, doar un mod de sclavie si nimic mai mult!

3) Modul Politic ADAPTAT

Vad ca la modul politic s-au schimbat cateva chestii, ramane de vazut daca in bine sau nu!
Deocamdata, par in bine! Atat noile alegeri, cat si noile functii - care-s mai aspectuose, dar astept sa vad ce pot face oamenii care sunt in acele posturi, par a fi gandite pentru a face modul politic mai dinamic!
Mi-ar placea, totusi, sa se evite acest traiesm politic! In 2 secunde pot fi liberal, matza, elam si cate si mai cate!
Ar trebui ca fiecare sa-si creeze un anumit tip politic si sa fie schimbat cu greu!
Pentru a pastra si a reusi acest mod, ar trebui impuse reguli mai dure privind candidarea la congres/presedinte partid/presedinte tara!
In ce sens?
Un om care de abia a intra in partid, pe data de 23, pe 24 poate sa-si depuna candidatura la congres/presedinte partid/presedinte tara
Ar trebui ca aceasta depunere de candidatura congres/presedinte partid/presedinte tara sa fie posibila dupa ce politicianul si-a petrecut o buna perioada in partid!

Totodata, acum ceva timp, Vircati (daca nu ma insel si imi cer scuze daca o fac) a scos un articol prin care arata ca, de fapt, topul partidelor este fals deoarece numarul de politicieni din partid nu corespunde cu cel din clasament!

De asemenea, pastrarea votului confidential ar fi o alegerea NEMAIPOMENITA!

4) Readuceti in prim plan pagina de trofee a fiecarei tari!

Se pot face sute de misiuni avand drept scop personalizarea acestei pagini si poate reprezenta mandria tarii, dar si a fiecarui soldat in parte! Ar trebui pus accentul pe acest lucru, d-aia il jucam, sa demonstram ca suntem buni atat ca soldati, cat si ca tara!

5) Informatii detaliate despre aliantele dintre tari!

In ce ar consta aceste informatii?
In damage-ul dat de Germania pentru aliata sa, Romania, si invers!
Damage-ul dat de Germania in alianta Eden!
Stiu ca ar insemna o ingreunare a "castorilor" jocului, insa cred ca ar fi foarte frumos o contabilizare a acestor date! Totusi, asta inseamna razboiul!!!

6) Medalia de mercenar - ADAPTATA

Nu inteleg si sper sa-mi explice cineva de ce se reseteaza toate kill-urile atunci cand completam 50tari?
Oare acele killuri nu sunt facute tot de noi, de aceiasi mercenari?
Deci, va rugam, nu mai resetati scorul obtinut atunci cand se obtine medalia!

7) Gold mai mult pentru trecerea nivelurilor superioare

Se stie, s-a mai spus si probabil o sa se mai spuna!
De la un anumit level in sus, trecerea se face a nabii de grea! Iar recompensa e a naibii de mica! Meritam mai mult pentru truda noastra!

8 ) Bazuca

Bazuca este EXPIRATA! 10.000 damage/hit este nimica toata, tinand cont ca pana si halandala are 18.5000+/hit!
In opinia mea ar trebui scoasa de la un anumit nivel/rank/str in sus, pentru ca marirea damage-ului/hit ar insemna un adevarat fiasco la diviziile inferioare! Ar fi bataie de clone pentru bataia de BH!

9) Presa

Ce inseamna sa ai un ziar in ezilele noastre? Si ce inseamna sa ai o medalie mogul in ezilele noastre?
Poi raspunsurile le stim cu totii: 2g pentru infiintarea ziarului si plata votantilor pentru sub! Este adevarat, ultima este costisitoare, insa ne simtim mai auriti in profil!

Cred ca adaugarea unei taxe pentru administrarea ziarului sau scoaterea articolelor ar fi o chestie super!
Si ar putea fi adaptata, in acest fel, si medalia de mogul - in sensul ca ai primi medalia in functie de articolele scrise (tinem minte, trebuie sa si platim pentru ele)!

10) preluat de la gabila: Promotiile mai rare!

In opinia mea, cel mai mare rau al acestui joc este reprezentat de promotiile care vin din ce in ce mai des! Aproape ca nu exista timpi de "relaxare" intre oferte, iar asta a adus la ceea ce se vede in momentul actual in mediul economic!!!

11) preluat de la Rondy Rondy: trecut al nick-ului

Din pacate, asa cum spune si Rondy, schimbarea nick-ului inseamna, in mare parte, incercarea de a fugi de trecutul mai putin glorios ori dorinta prea mare de a-ti schimba nickul ales neinspirat la inceputul jocului!
Poate fi o idee buna in ideea ca toti ar face parte din categoria a doua, insa sunt destui cei care fac parte si din prima!
O implementarea a afisarii nick-ului anterior ar fi o metoda buna de a stii cine este noul "xyz"!

P.S. Ideile bune (cel putin in opinia mea) prezentate in comentarii vor fi adaugate in articol!

English version (thanks bog.geo)

All we want is eRepublik become increasingly more fascinating, more exciting, more populous!

It would be good for admins of this game, but also for current eRepublik players that would be a bigger family!

Let's face it, I think the admins are aware that old players, medium players, and the brand new ones are not kept in by the game itself, but by the active chats!

To make fun of trouble, even BF's chat became very populated ~ 35-40 members and we started from me and the bot! Shadow aladinus, colleague or Claudiu976, but also withdrew vali71 and especially soaresol can confirm this!

Let's leave the talking and see what changes would I see for this game:

1) military mode REINVENTED!

I join Fedora, which in article Admin, give me the parades back, please notices, briefly, that parades are not what they once were!

I am glad, however, that I got last military way, because I really felt what a parade is!

Dear admins, no need to return to the previous military way, because that would mean a failure of yours and nobody accept failure, but I think a magic can be done by showing all the people in a bar fight and kept the current divisions - this would reconcile and goat and cabbage!

A second change would be military divisions facelift!

How are the divisions separated now?

Everyone knows, depending on level! It's completely unfair, in my opinion!

A man with 2-3000 strenght can be part of first Division, one with 10-12 str can be in second division and win the BH without fear: D

How should divisions look?

In my opinion, the divisions should be divided taking into account: rank, xp, power, and coming into the game. In this way, I think that would make a much wiser sharing!

However, the most radical change in my opinion would be the introduction of innovative stuff!

What does this stuff mean?

Well let's be honest now - with a simple click and some money we can walk around the e-world in just a minute!

How wold I see the changeing?

Simple - by adding, let's call it, "means of transport per unit"! Attention, per UNIT!

What does that mean?


Moving / relocation will be done in groups and harder! For example, moving from Romania - Sabah in France - Aquitaine to be done in x time! This x will be calculated according to distance itself!

How wold the group travel will be done? Even easier - by car (with a capacity of x people move slower, lower prices) or aircraft (greater capacity, less travel time, but high rates). Again, WARNING, fees paid by unit, not soldiers!

During transport, players could only see the route, nothing else!

Thus, battles would become more exciting , I say, because if you were not calculated, you risk not getting the desired time to fight!

I also believe that military units should be changed a bit:

a) The commander can not be put over captain and that does not make sense! The commanders orders should be over the captains when changeing!

b) History of a soldier - including the current and former military units and time spent in each, perhaps a total damage!

c) When a player wants to join a military unit the commander and his team (containing commanders mates, but a new class of securities / functions - like political titles) to give acceptance / rejection of that player to be received .

At the same time, it would be nice to shout the military unit to occur concomitant with the entry of the new soldier, a notification message for all members "We have a new member ....".

Also, a soldier leaving unit x will be announced to the above mentioned!

by Mlendea Horatiu:

Real Player vs player battles - the current battles are completly repetitive.
We all want real battles, where we deal a certain ammout of health damage to the enemy (not always 10), and after I hit him, he will hit me back (causing me health damage too), something like round-based combat, like in the other online pvp browser games.
And we know that weapons have durability, but we think it should be replaced with:
condition - as you use the weapon, it will lose it's condition and it will deal less damage

2) The ECONOMICAL MODULE totally rethinked!

I do not think I'm a great philosopher saying that the economic way is dust, Americans sell the frm to 0.01! No longer deserve to work in cattle / farm that produces frm anymore, as no longer worthly to make your bread companies that you can buy for tiny prices q7 food!

Personal opinion that they should simplify all these q1-> q7 weapons / bread .

I do not believe or do not see any reason to buy me a q1 gun that cost 0.77 usd when Q6 is 8.02 usd!

I understand that the role of missile weapons is to balance the market, but I think that they have met their goal!

On the other hand, work to produce food is, as I have seen on shouts for a good time, just a slavery and nothing more!

3) Political Module adapted!

I see in the political module some things have changed, remains to be seen whether in good or bad!

For now, looks for the better! Both new elections and new features - which are aspectuose, but I'm waiting to see what people can do who are in those positions... seem to be designed to make political module more dynamic !

I would like, however, to avoid the political traseiesm! In two seconds I can be Liberal, Matza, Elam and many many more!

Everybody should create a certain kind of political type and hardly to be changed!

]To preserve and manage this way should be imposed tougher rules on stand for congress / party chairman / president country!

In what sense?

A man who has just come into the party on 23 or 24 may to submit their candidacy for congress / party chairman / president country.

Should this bid deposit congress / party chairman / president country to be possible after politician spent a good time in the party!

Also, some time ago, Vircati (if I'm not mistaken and I apologize if I do) to put an article showing that, in fact, the parties top is false because the number of politicians in the party does not agree with the rankings!

Also keeping confidential voting would be a great choice!

4) Return the forefront of each country page trophies!

You can make hundreds of missions aiming to personalize this page and may represent the pride of the country, and of every soldier in hand! It should be emphasized that, that's why we play, to prove that we are good both as soldiers and as a country!

5) Detailed information about alliances between countries!

What would the information consist?

In the damage given by Germany to it's ally, Romania, and vice versa!

The damage given by Germany in Eden alliance!

I know it would mean a strain on the game "beavers", but I think it would be very nice counting on these data! However, this means the war!

6) Mercenary medal - Adapted

I do not understand and hope someone explain to me why it resets all kill sites when filling 50 countries?

Aren't these Kills made by us, by the same mercenaries?

So, please, do not reset the score when medal obtained!

7) More gold when going on upper levels

Known, and probably has been said and it will be said!

From a certain level upward shift is damn hard! And the reward is so damn small! We deserve more for our hard work!

8 ) Bazuca

Bazuca is expired! 10,000 damage / hit is cheap, considering that even halandala is 18.5000 + / hit!

In my opinion should be removed or removed after some level, rank, str, because increasing damage/hit would mean a total fiasco in lower divisions! Clones would be beating eachother for BH!

9) Press

What does it mean to have a newspaper in our e-days? And what it means to have a media mogul medal in our e-days?

Well we all know the answers: 2g to set up the newspaper and pay voters for sub! True, the last is expensive, but we feel a golden-profile!

I think that adding a fee for administering the newspaper or removing items would be a great thing!

And could be adapted in this way, and the media mogul medal - meaning that you receive medal by articles written (keep in mind, we should also pay for them)!

10) taken from gabila: less promotions!

In my opinion, the greatest evil of this game are the promotions that are coming increasingly more often! Almost no time to "relax" between supply and this has led to what is seen in the economic environment at present!

11) taken from Rondy Rondy: history of nick

Unfortunately, as Rondy said, nick change is, in part, an attempt to run from less glorious past times or too much desire to change your uninspired choice from start of the game!
It may be a good idea if everyone would be part of the second category, but there are enough people who are also part of second!
An implementation of the display nick above would be a good way to know who is the new "xyz"!

P.S Good ideas (at least in my opinion) presented in the comments will be added to the article!