Crisis averted!

Day 596, 17:21 Published in USA USA by ligtreb

Earlier today, Robert S. Miller, the congressman from Oklahoma, tried to steal $99,999 of taxpayer money. Congress had agreed to make a donation to Fort Knox Federal Reserve, as is routinely done with the Congressional Budget Office, to help stabilize our dollar and provide funds for the military.

Someone (probably Robert S. Miller)>created an organization that looked identical to the>real Fort Knox Federal Reserve, replacing the last letter of "Federal" with a capital "i", so the names looked identical. Robert S. Miller then>made a proposal to donate to the fake org, not the real one. While I voted No, I can easily see how nearly half of congress voted Yes, I almost voted Yes until I saw the debate on IRC. I don't blame any of them, other than Robert S. Miller.

So what's the good news?>Robert S. Miller has been permabanned.

The>fake Fort Knox Federal Reserve has been permabanned.

And most importantly, the game admins>have said they will suspend the law.


A major thank you goes out to Mv13, the French minister of Foreign Affairs who noticed it and posted this on the eRep forums. UPDATE: Here's an>article by congressman Woxan, our ambassador to France.

Lucius Varenus was the first to tell our President about this.

Thanks also go out to kyle321n, Kazeal and Zcia for sending messages to Congress about this.

Thanks to Joe DaSmoe who used his heavily-subscribed-to newspaper to write a>great article raising awareness about this, check it out.

Thanks to everyone who sent tickets to the admins, your efforts are what helped action on this take place.

Most importantly, thank you to the admins of eRepublik. They take a lot of criticism, but their actions on this issue were swift, correct and helpful to us as a global community.

Thank you all for reading,

-- Ligtreb
Congressman from Illinois (USWP)