CPP Platform.

Day 380, 15:17 Published in Canada Canada by Tom Hagen

Having previously released our platform I hereby introduce the updated Canadian Paradox Party Electoral Platform of December 2008 which plans to help eCanada onwards to success. We hope that you, the eCanadian voters, deem it right that we return from the wilderness and re-enter the highest political office of our great Nation. We feel that this updated version is needed due to changing circumstances that have occurred since the previous release.

Main Goals

1. The Military
eCanada has never been a great military power and therefore to help improve this, the following will occur:

A. All eCanadians will be encouraged to register as soldiers and to train every day. For those who train every day for a fortnight there will be a reward from the government.

B. Fortnightly Platoon Review will be issued looking at matters such as the supply of the Platoon, the activity of Platoon Leader and Platoon members.

C. With the superb service of the CAF over the last month all soldiers within the CAF will be given a bonus of 20 CAD.

D. Following the performance of the CAF in both Australia and Spain the CPP understands that the CAF will be involved in military action more than previously expected. With this in mind the recruitment bonus is increased to 15 CAD (Increased from 10 CAD). This will apply to new recruits only.

2. The Economy

The Canadian Paradox Party understands that eCanadian economy has strengthen in some sectors and to help in it's continuation, the following improvements will occur:

Section One – Taxes/Dollar Value

A. Changes in the taxes will include, setting both the Income and Value Added Tax (VAT) for all industries to 5%, as well as changing the Import Taxes of Iron to 20%, Gifts to 50%, and everything else will remain at 99%.

B. Will attempt to raise the dollar value.

C. Support private efforts to avert the food crisis.

Section Two - Government Companies

A. All government companies will sell its goods at a rate that is higher than Private eCanadian Companies by 10%.

B. A maximum price cap will be decided for Government Companies so that Sub-Section A, will not be taken advantage of by the Private Sector.

Section Three – Trade
The Federal Government will look to help strengthen:

A. Our trading options by reviewing the current agreements and by considering signing any new ones.

B. Will ensure that we maintain our Export supremacy and keep Imports as low as possible.

C. Will help eCanadian private companies to survive in times of economic crisis, as well as support an eCanadian economy.

Secondary Goals

1. Healthcare:

A. We, along with our counterparts in Congress will look to ensure that our hospitals are of the highest possible quality.

B. To help eCanadians to have sufficient wellness the Ministry of Social Services will be provided with the necessary funds to achieve this.

C. Further details on this will be decided with the cabinet.

2. Foreign Affairs:

A CPP Government will continue to follow the path of continued diplomatic relations and eCanadian representation in the eWorld.

A. We will maintain and support the ATLANTIS treaty, as well as support our allies.
B. We will continue to help build relations with the USA, and other ATLANTIS eNations however possible.
C. We will ensure that eCanada remains as safe and as diplomatic as possible.
D. We will maintain the representation and sovereignty of eCanada to the international community.

3. The Justice System:

A. Maintain and continued enforcement of the Constitution in eCanada.
B. Citizens who are accused of an offence are innocent till proven guilty.
C. The Supreme Court Justices will be Appointed by the government, and approved by Congress.

I hope that this platform will convince you that the CPP is the right choice to lead our great nation after tomorrow. If you think that we are the right choice vote Tom Hagen tomorrow. In the event of a CPP victory the Cabinet will be announced.