Congressional Platform

Day 793, 02:42 Published in USA USA by George Griffin
Hello everyone!

I am a fairly new citizen to Erepublik. I am very glad that I came across this game. I have set back and watched the normal eAmerican way and I have thought to myself saying I would love to try for congress. I will tell you all right now that this will not be a lengthly platform. My views are narrowed down and summarized.

Since I have stated the fact that I am fairly new I will not be holding any outstanding promises or quota. I can promise a few things that aren't outstanding and that I can hold my word to. I pledge to stay active as your congressman and stay loyal. I will also be really getting down to terms with Infrastructure here in the eUS. That should be a number one topic to face and deal with. We can learn about that together.

I will say that being a congressman is a lot to be held with. Your state depends on that person with the seat. I will also be glad to say that Devoid has been a outstanding congressman to you guys. If I don't get elected, I would want him in that seat again.

As I said before, this is not going to be a long speech. Thats why I am saying my last few words till we meet again. I would be happy to take the role as your next congressman on the 25th. Good luck to everyone running!

Till Next Time,
Have a great day.
And a good night.
