Congres Election in Kansas : Presentation

Day 669, 21:15 Published in USA USA by Groot of Cascadia

[USS Kansas]


I want to present myself to everyone as I will be running to become the new Senator of Kansas. My name is Samuel Brouillette, a native from Canada, and I moved to the USA four months ago. When I moved to the United States, only the APP party mailed me and invited me join their party, and I accepted that invitation right away. APP is now the second largest Party in eUSA with over 800 members. We are very devoted to listening to citizens needs. Two months ago I joined the US army Trainning Divison and I have recently been promoted to the US Infantry Corps. I have experiences in military matters and I have been (and still am) running many companies. All the economics aspects of the game concern me a lot.

Profile Link

Even if the War is currently raging all around us, September 25 will be an important day for all Americans. Everyone will have to vote and decide who will be representing them in Congress.
I want to expose to you my ideas and explain why I will be the best candidate to represent Kansas. Many subjects need our attention right now...War, Economy, and Foreign policy.


As an eRepublick player and US citizen, I believe that we should always be consulted and informed before each decision the government is taking. Transparency, or openness in communication, is the most important value that congressmen and the President should cherish. Citizens' opinions should always be taken into consideration when decision time comes. Every week, i promess to write an detailed article about all my votes decisions on Taxe modifications, Alliances or Construction buying. You will be able to read them in this news papers. That way, you will always know what decision I have take and you will be able to give your opinions and ideas about it.


The military situation is very complex these days. Eden/Fortis have managed to kick Indonesia out of North America. Colombia jumped into the dance and right now they are blocking us to re-attack Russia and retake our land. With the stepping down of president Emerick, all the military strategies have been modified. Our Officers and Leaders are actually working on new ways to regain initiative in the war. With a Russian threat pending over Florida (the last US fortress), all American citizens should be concerned and try to do his or her part to help defend this country. A lot of news players do not know what to do and are not fighting in the most efficient and effective way. Here are some links to help you progress and be a greater benefit to your country.


-Departement Of Defence
- Movings Tickets Programs
- US Forums

Economy :

Right now, during time of war, we need the income from weapon sales to finance the war effort. But I believe that outside war time, taxes should be lowered as low as possible to encourage people to spend their money on goods and services. Imports Taxes should be at a reasonable level to help local markets and companies. What will I do for Kansas citizens and companies? Reasonable tax rates, higher minimal wages, and better quality Defense and Hospital systems. Before the war, Kansas was the central Q5 hospital of the USA, but with the state conquered recently, all infrastructures have been destroyed. I will be working to get them back as soon as possible so that all citizens wishing to live in Kansas can do so and keep a high state of wellness.

Foreign Policy :

As we all have witnessed during this war, our allies are the most important assets to our country. We need to be careful when time comes to choose our allies. Canada, Spain, Romania, Korea, and Poland are great examples of good allies. They put their own lands in danger to help us by declaring war to our common enemy in their own land. Canada had blocked Russia for a long time to any attack on us and now, they are blocking Hungary in the same manner. Spain has sacrificed their entire country to help us. Allies are the most important assets of a country during war time.

Finally, you now have a better idea of what my intentions are if I am elected Senator of Kansas. I will let you compare with the competition. If you have any questions, feel free to mail me and I will reply to all messages as fast as possible. The most important thing for the 25th of September is to vote! And if you do vote for me, it will be even better!

Samuel Brouillette
US Army, 4th Divison, Platoon III
APP Member