Combat Groups of the Working Class / Workers' Militia

Day 405, 17:18 Published in Indonesia Sweden by Radsoc

As voted for by the Swedish Militant Socialist Workers' Party (MSAP) a Workers' Militia has been formed. The newspaper "The International Brigade" has been established for communication purposes and its logo, "the three pointed star" reflects proletarian internationalism. It has been entirely funded by member donations.

The Workers' Militia has no state and it is independent from any bourgeois military command. It isn't subordinated any government. The only force it obeys is that of the organized international working class. We don't want to be tools of the corporate thugs of the owning-class that create wars because of their own self-interest of profit-maximization. Instead we're going to fight the owning-class consisting of liberals, imperialists, fascists, gangsters and their likes in wars and in resistance wars, in an organized way ourselves.

We seek to fight for freedom, democracy and liberation world wide. This struggle has to be fought without caring for borders. Whenever and whereever the interests of the international proletariat is under threat, the workers' militia will react and stand up for its class brothers and sisters to fight the oppressors to crush tyranny.

Short-Term Goals:
The creation of:
1. A guns factory
2. A gift factory
3. A moving company
4a. An Iron Mine
4b. A Diamond Mine
4c. An Oil Well

Donations for:
Moving Tickets

To join us, add us as friends and subscribe to this newspaper.

the commander of the Workers' Militia