Citizenturk for Reyizident [TR/EN]

Day 1,529, 04:45 Published in Cyprus Turkey by Kutluk Bilge Kul Cito

Selam panpalar,

Subat ayi kibris baskan adayiyim,fikirlerimi anlatan kisa bir yazi olacak,

Simdi,hemen hemen her ay rutinlesen seyler,gold yardimi,yavrulara fortum bunlari yazma geregi bile duymuyorum aynen devam edecek,hatta yeni fikirler veya projeler bulursak onlarida uygulamaya koyariz.

Bu kibrisa geleli aylar oluyor,aylar gecsede ayni sorunlar hala cozum bekliyor.100 str Belgarion,2000 kusur str oldu ama Belgar q5 silahla 10 10 vururkende ayni sorunlar vardi,simdide var.Bizden 2 3 kat ustun ulkelerle dogrudan,sirbistan gibi oyunun damage olarak en guclu ulkesiyle dolayli bir cok savas yaptik ama hicbirinde kesin bir yenilgi almadik,aylar suren fyrom savaslari bunun en basit ornegi.Biz kendi icimizde birlik olmasaydik su an Kibris diye bir ulke yoktu,tabuk 7.round,fyrom isyanlari,ilk fyrom savasi inancin pikselleri yendigi nadir anlardan hepimiz buna sahit olduk.Hicbirimiz robot degiliz,illaki hepimizin kisisel hirslari egolari olacak hatta kisisel husumetleri,bunlar gayet dogal seyler ama bunlarin buyutulup Kibris ve Inciye zarar verecek sekilde gelmesi herkesten cok taraflara zarar verecektir.Ben hic kimsenin oyunda olsa ayni ortamda bulundugu bir insana zarar vermekten mutlu olacagina inanmiyorum,cogumuzun oyuna giris amaci reel hayattaki stresten bir nebze arinmak,eglenmek kimse kimsenin tribini cekmek zorunda degil.Kanalda hakli veya haksiz banlamalari en aza indirmeye calisacagim,bazi seyler zorla degil gonullu olur zorla guzellik olmaz,bir panpa bir hata yaptiginda onu sorgulayacak olan ne kanal oplaridir ne ulke baskani,herkes grup bilinciyle kendi hatalarini sorgulayip ders almalidir,bu sorgulama kabiliyetine veya o zekaya sahip olmayanlarda bizim aramizda yeri olmadigini zamanla anlayacaktir.Hirsiz icerdeyse kapiyi kilitlemek fayda etmez,onceligimiz ic isleri olacak.Bunun icin basit sadece kibris vatandaslarinin uye olabilecegi bir site dusunuyorum,anketler vs ile nasil bir yol izleyecegimizi tartisiriz,pentaman,mrdennis,samboz,baligedli bildigim bu bos islerden anlayan adamlar,daha vardir ilgilenebilecek yardim ederler diye dusunuyorum.Meclisi daha duzenli yapmak icin istenilen yasalari donate vs veren mvlere kucuk suprizler yapacagiz,napolyon goldu tank cyp hersey olabilir,bu daha organize bi meclis yapisi saglar bence.

Kibrisin hali icler acisi,de sarlo 10 tank icin 100 tane shouta yorum yapiyor,ekmek yakinda receteyle alinacak.Sinergy reyiz eski baskan yasini almis bi abimiz,ismet inonu zamanini hatirlar o zamanlar bile bu kadar kitlik yokmus.Oncelikli amacimiz dis iliskilerde bolgemizde duzgun bir bonus paylasimi.Noluyor 3 tane oil elde tutunca 3 oil 1 tekerlek falan mi ediyor cozebilmis degilim,hic kimseyi zorda koymayacak bir sekilde kibrisa bonus kazandirmak oncelikli amac,yok eger ki ''panpa'' ulkelerimiz her bonustan 3 tane fantezisine devam edecekse bizden destek verdikleri kadar destek alirlar her konuda.Ekonomide devlette bos duran CYPleri degerlendirmeyi dusunuyorum.Oncelikli hedef herkeste en az 1000 storage olmasi,bazen cekilisle veya oyun yasi-oyunda gecirilen zaman orantisiyla devlet olarak q4 sirket hibesi yapilabilir.Cok sirket kasan panpalara sermaye konusunda kredide verebiliriz,ekonomide ana politika bonuslara en kisa yoldan ulasmak ve fakir panpalara storage ve q4 raw acma konusunda karsiliksiz destek vermek.Beceri her gun ekmek atmakta degil o ekmegi alacak gelir yollarini acmakta auuuuu.

Dis iliskilerde safimiz TERRA/EDEN tarafidir,acikcasi Sili Arjantin tartismasinda kafamda Terra hakkinda bazi soru isaretleri belirdi,Sili haksizsa neden yaptirim uygulanmadi,peki hakliysa neden savunulmadi?Ayni ittifak bir gun Kibrista boyle bir sorun yasarsa ''tarafsiz'' kalacak mi?Muttefik ulkelere elciler yollayacagiz,bugune kadar hemen hemen hic elci yollamadik,bu elcilere motivasyon olsun diye belli bi miktar fortumda verebiliriz.Diger bir konu yari ic yari dis sorun,japonyada mahsur kalan panpalarimiz.Acikcasi japonyayi mpp savaslarinda belki savunabiliriz,ama her gun her gun 20 kisi icin tum kibris seferber olmamiz gercekten mantiksiz,umarim japon panpalar dogru karari verir Kibrisa gelirler onlar icin elimizden geleni yapariz.MU emirlerini her zaman kibris icin veren,inci avatari takip inciyi baska ulkelerde temsil eden OWLS USA/TURKIYE/BREZILYA ve diger disardaki mularimiza bulunduklari ulkeden fortum baglanmasi icin calisacagim,olmadi kibristan baglayacagiz.

Genel olarak goruslerim bunlar,kabinemi daha tam olarak sekillendirmedim kabinede yer almak isteyen varsa mesaj atabilir,zaten her kabinenin fix adamlari bekir ffako vs karsims benide kirmaz heralde xd.Ortada cok komik bir durum var,devlet zengin ama ulkedeki cogu kisi ekmegi zor buluyor.Devletin asli gorevi oy yonlendirmekten ote,kendi ulkesinin vatandaslarina fortumu baglamaktir,devlette binlerce cyp yatiyor,sadaka niyetine sadece military unitlere paralar gidiyor ki burdada ne kadar adil bir dagilim var bilemiyorum,bir military unitin tek uyesi digerinin tum uyeleri kadar vurabiliyor,bu adam ustune bide destek aliyor devletten,bence bu yanlis.Herkese hakkini verecegiz,ne bir eksik ne bir fazla.

Ne dediler?

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Hi Panpas,

I am running for Cyprus CP in this coming February election. In this article, I will briefly talk about what I am planning to do.

Before I begin, I would like to emphasize that the basic routines such as booster support, supplying young owls etc will also continue during my term. Besides, I am ready to discuss any possible new projects with you for the sake of our beautiful country if you have any.

I will try to stop just/unjust banning in chat channels. I am aware of the fact that everybody has different habits and ways of enjoyment. However, we are in a community where everybody should follow basic moral rules. In other words, we are here to relax and play game. This reality makes everybody equal in terms of sharing the goods in game and in chat. if the thief is already inside the house, no need to lock the door any more. Therefore, the interior affairs and organization is going to be my one of the priorities. To do so, I am planning to create a website that only Cyrus citizens can register and participate different forms of activities such as surveys, strategies, and feedback.

We settled in Cyprus with many problems several months ago; yet, the problems are still exist and waiting for a solution.

1- Military improvements:

Belgarion with 200 str, for example, was hitting 10/hit while he was 100 str when we came here first. Today, same Belgarion hits 10/hit. First of all, we have to solve this problem and improve our military power. In other words, we fought with countries that are stronger than us double or tribal times, such as Serbia indirectly, and we never taste complete defeat yet. Fyrom is another good example: if we had not obtained the unity among us, there would have never been a country like Cyrus. Nevertheless, I believe that we have to increase our military power and keep competing with our enemies.

2- Ministry of Interior affairs.

I will try to stop just/unjust banning in chat channels. I am aware of the fact that everybody has different habits and ways of enjoyment. However, we are in a community where everybody should follow basic moral rules. In other words, we are here to relax and play game. This reality makes everybody equal in terms of sharing the goods in game and in chat. if the thief is already inside the house, no need to lock the door any more. Therefore, the interior affairs and organization is going to be my one of the priorities. To do so, I am planning to create a website that only Cyrus citizens can register and participate different forms of activities such as surveys, strategies, and feedback.

I will assign some panpas in certain positions such as pentaman, mrdennis, samboz and baligedli because I believe that they are good in computer things. Likewise, I am going to assign those players who make his job best.

4- In order to organize the congress most effectively, I will reward congressmen who uses his/her proposals in accordance with the needs of Cyprus Government. Gifts will be like gold for booster, currency or any other things based on congressman's need.

5- Economics.

Cyprus is economically in an astray: Sarlo shouts or comments more than 100 times in a day to obtain a couple of tanks. Prescription will be necessary for food soon, as well. Our priority in terms of foreign affairs is to make a just partaking the SA regions for bonuses with the cooperation of eTurkey.

I am planning to let citizens to use redundant CYP in country accounts. First goal is to provide 2k storage for everyone and q4 raw materials as much as we can do. Lottery or competitive games are also among my plans for q4 raw companies for winners. For rich panpas, I am also thinking about loaning large amount of CYP.