Chopper for congress

Day 2,523, 07:55 Published in Canada Canada by Cozza

Fuckin hello. Hello there.

Chopper here.
Been getting lots of letters from you fuckin Canadian lot.
“Dear Chop. We need someone in congress that’s knows a thing or two. Please join us”
“Dear Chopper. Wish you were here – Speaker”
Get them from fuckin everyone.
Some German backpackers
To funny looking homosexuals.

Then you got some antsy pantys peoples who work there fuckin guts out to write some campaign article.
But heres a bloke
In a cell
Who cant even spell
Writing one.
And his writing anther one too.
And he cant even spell.

They must hate my guts

Bloody wogs. Usually all hot air.
And poor little Sammy the turk got blown away.

There usually only good for shits and giggles.


See Turks part.

Go pay nevile bartos a fuckin visit. BANG. After I get my fuckin cash of course.