Chapter 2

Day 1,514, 12:40 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Henry Hank Moody

I hope you enjoy the continuing struggles of our favourite Private.

Light was just beginning to flood across no man’s land in an unstoppable wave as Private Axeell silently entered the command bunker of the Canadian Trench. All along the enemy lines men were starting to stir from their uncomfortable night spent sleeping in an inch of dirty, stagnant water. If Axeell didn’t act quickly he would find himself trapped in enemy territory being hunted by dozens of men out for his blood.

Closing the door with the barest squeak of rust Axeell surveyed the concrete interior. The first room was bathed in darkness, the silhouette of a sleeping guardsmen could just be made out along the Eastern wall. The sounds of cooking drifted from deeper in the bunker along with the soft sizzling sound of cooking bacon. The smell of coffee lingered in the air and Axeell heard his stomach rumble as the gnawing hunger strove to make itself known.
Pulling the bayonet from its sheath Axeell lent his rifle against the Bunker’s wall and crept softly over to the sleeping soldier, the smell of sweat and urine swiftly sent the scent of coffee packing as Axeell moved ever closer to the enemy.

Taking a deep breath of the sweat tainted air Axeell plunged the steel blade forcibly through the man’s throat, arteries were severed, the windpipe completely crushed and the man’s life extinguished in a fountain of blood. The blade struck again and again until the blood was pouring through the ragged wound where the soldier’s throat had once been.

Breathing heavily Axeell wiped the blood from his eyes and spat more from his mouth. His teeth were coated a deep, violent red, and with the adrenaline of the kill coursing through his veins he smiled. It was a red smile. A bloody smile.

Grabbing his rifle Axeell moved into the kitchen.

The man cooking the Major’s meal didn’t even have enough time to register his surprise as his ribs gave forth with a loud crack and the blade burst through his heart and out through the front of his chest. He fell forth with a loud crash upon the half cooked breakfast spilling the coffee across the floor and rousing the bunker.

The sound of men waking suddenly from a deep slumber sounded from a room just off the kitchen and Axeell quickly kicked in the door to find three groggy men staring around at each other with bewilderment.

“What’s happening Sar…” Began one man before Axeell pulled the trigger and half of the soldier’s face disappeared in a spray of blood, bone and brain. The other two men quickly followed the same fate and Axeell ran down the corridor as shouts and a loud claxon burst into existence.

“S**t.” Ducking into the room at the end of the corridor he tumbled head first into the Major.

“Sergeant get the f*** off me. What’s with all the blood?” Axeell head-butted the enemy officer, bringing bright stars of light into both of their minds and knocking the Major unconscious. With both hands Axeell held the bayonet high above the Major, a drop of blood fell from the blade and splashed against the enemies face.

With the red smile still plastered across his face Axeell closed his eyes and drove the blade down.

“Hold it scum. Do it and I’ll shoot your brains out.”