Carebears HQ

Day 1,535, 02:34 Published in Bulgaria Pakistan by Dimow Brando

* le Dimow drawing carebears

Sofia, Bulgaria - It's that time of the year again. Nope, not the agitating vote-for-me-president-campaigns. It's Spring. Time for the carebears to awake themselves from a long nap.

* Censored

Let us start with some history research.
Before the wigs (a.k.a. admins) started to reset the game in form of "updates" (as in eRepublik Rising & etc.), there were some cool people around. One of these cool people was Ealendil.
So he gathered former presidents, peacekeepers and the rest of the cool people in a carebear unit. Of course there were some exceptions.

Nowadays - Many of them cool people left the game for one or many reasons. But two of the first carebears, that carried the will of Ealendil on and on, gathered on a meeting and decided to continue his idea.
That's me and boyan. But as few are alive, we decided to expand the small circle of carebears to a huge family tree, which everyone can be a part of.

* le Mafia family

Because Ealendil's spirit is still in Bulgaria, we decided that Headquarters of our military unit should be as well.

I'm open to take avatar requests from our future members via PM in-game.
Our aim now is to build a good system of economic, that would provide us weapons to fight and a good hierarchy between us so that every bear knows its honey. (We already have something in mind, ideas are welcomed of course)

Join us at #carebear @ Rizon [IRC].
Daniel Dimow

* Moreover: Here (Including Bulgarian / + Български)