Can you hear Australia's Heroes marching?

Day 838, 01:21 Published in Australia Canada by ADS94

Well Australia, it looks like were going to come out swinging. We are assuming the role as a World Power today with our soon to be recent War Declaration. In the past few hours, I have seen a major uptick in moral around the country, this lightens my heart like no other.

As our cause is just and noble, our cause is to great to fail, as our cause is the cause of all eMankind!

Me after I was interrupted with the War Declaration vote.

Now is the time to loosen your pockets, get High Q guns - move to regions with a Q5 Hospital. Be ready to deploy on a moments notice, members of our brave military, get right to fight, fight, fight!

Senator Frymonmon (AMP - Victoria)
Hail Australia!
Hail EDEN!
Hail Victoria!