Brisanje eHrvatske - cilj ili frustracija? [EN/SRB]

Day 1,220, 15:08 Published in Serbia Serbia by Akiman

Odmah da vas obavestim da je članak kilometarski i ne sadrži slike u sebi. Ovo je detaljan opis, mojim očima, politike koja je dovela do (ne)potrebnog rata u Hrvatskoj.

Svakodnevni događaji na polju srpsko-hrvatskog konflikta su me doveli na razmišljanje... Da li je ovaj rat cilj Srbije ili frustracija? Da se razumemo, ovde govorim isključivo o eFrustraciji. Ona je uzrokovana dešavanjima u igri a sama činjenica da se radi o Srbima i Hrvatima dodaje taj šmek, celoj situaciji.

Nisam toliko iskusan igrač, ali pratim događaje... zato i mislim da je niz loših diplomatskih odluka doveo do ovog rata, u kome je neminovno da će Hrvati izvući deblji kraj. Da se osvrnemo na seriju tih događaja koji su prethodili ovoj situaciji.

U trenutku mog eRođenja, štampali su se članci o tome kako se ptica Feniks više ne diže iz pepela. Srbija i Mađarska je napuštaju i ona gubi svoja krila. Dakle, reč je o periodu od početka januara.

Srbija i Mađarska su u to vreme bile neutralne, ali su mpp bili aktivni, a i obnavljani po isteku. Ni dan danas, nisu u potpunosti mpp priagođeni novom savezu, tako da možemo smatrati ovaj period i dalje "vremenom tranzicije".

Stanje na ratištu je bilo takvo da je eBiH bila u sastavu Srbije, kao i danas. Zapravo, da sam pao s Marsa, mislio bih da je BiH deo originalnih srpskih regija, jer je od mog rođenja ona duže u sastavu Srbije nego neke originalne srpske regije.

U to vreme, radilo se na tome da se potpiše mir sa Hrvatskom, sa srpske strane razumljivo, ali u Hrvatskoj ne. Koliko sam shvatio Hrvati su tražili slobodnu BiH, koju sopstvenim silama, pa ni saveznim nisu mogli osloboditi. Slobodan put kroz Evropu, koji takođe nisu mogli izboriti. Istina, nisu tražii da im se preko svega toga još i plati. Šalu na stranu, sa takvim zahtevima očekivao sam pad Bosne i Hercegovine, a možda i nekih srpskih regija... Ipak, mi "vojno neutralni", naš savez nestao i sada smo ostavljeni na milost i nemilost svetu. Bilo je logično očekivati tako nešto s obzirom na ovakvu diplomatiju iz komšiluka.

Sve u svemu, do mira nije došlo, niti do pada Bosne, niti je u bilom kom trenutku neka srpska regija bila ozbiljno ugrožena.

Da ne tupim bespotrebno, Srbija nije više želela rat sa komšijama jer je nedavno svoj cilj ispunila - brisanje eHrvatske. Tražili su se novi izazovi, novi ciljevi i shodno tome, u najavi je bio novi savez koji će uzburkati svet.

A između Srbije i Hrvatske stari rat i dalje traje.

Iz ove perspektive mi je bilo potpuno nejasno zašto Hrvati ne žele potpisati mir, ni danas mi nije jasno.

Dakle, mir nije potpisan. Zašto? Jer nismo hteli da ispunimo ovakve sulude uslove. Da, sulude. Suluda je pozicija u koju je Hrvatska sebe dovela, pa su smatrali da je srpska strana ta koja treba počistiti te brljotine. Ne znam za vas, ali meni je potpuno suludo, da zemlja okružena neprijateljima, u ratu koji šteti više njenoj ekonomiji, nego ekonomiji njenih protivnika, postavlja ovakve uslove.

Rat se nastavlja.

Šuškalo se tih dana po štampi da će Poljska izglasati MPP sa Mađarskom i na taj način, formalno obeležiti saradnju, a samim tim napraviti i pravi haos u svetskoj politici. Ovo se dešavalo u vreme mirovnih pregovora. Kada je Poljska Vlada potpisala ovaj sporazum, a nedavno za njenim koracima krenula i Španija, jasno je bilo kako će taj novi savez izgledati i kakav će uticaj imati na ceo svet.

Kako su Poljaci bili veliki prijatelji sa Hrvatima, nisu ih hteli ostaviti na milost i nemilost. Vršen je pritisak na Hrvate od strane Poljske, da se potpiše mir. Uslov je postavljen Srbiji da ne pokušava vršiti invaziju na Hrvatsku, što je u našem taboru bilo prihvaćeno bez ikakvih problema. Jasno je bilo da je Hrvatskoj strani ponuđeno članstvo u NWO, naša Vlada nam je u to vreme davala peticiju koju smo popunjavali, u kojoj se ovakva mogućnost pominjala.

Kakav je interes eSrbije i eHrvatke bio u zajedničkom pristupanju NWO? Pokušajte sagledati realno. OBOSTRAN!

Srpski interesi su bili u tome, što nema svakodnevnog influenca koji "ode u vetar", otvoren put ka Evropi je imala i pre, ali ovakav potez bi nam omogućio "letenje" kroz Evropu a ne "puzanje" a samim tim i sticanje potrebnih regija...

Hrvatski interesu su u tome što nema daljeg devastiranja njihove ekonomije, slobodan put u Evropu (nešto o čemu su prestali i da maštaju) i nema influence-a uzalud potrošenog.

Malo je reći, da sam bio zgranut komentarima u komšiliku. Bili su to komentari tipa:

- "Ne veruj Srbinu ni kad darove nosi!"
- "Mi smo ovde zbog poštenja i pravih saveznika, a ne zbog nekih virtuelnih regija!"
- "NWO propaganda!"
- "Taj savez neće trajati ni nedelju dana, posvađaće se oni oko regija, ma mesec dana im dajem maksimalno."

Zapitajte se sada, ima li tu makar malo logike? Ovo je mazohizam u pravom smislu te reči! Svojevoljno zatvaranje u kavez, bez ikakvog strateškog plana. Zapravo, ovo je bilo strateško samoubistvo. Onaj ko ovo igra zbog saveznika, a ne zbog interesa svoje države, štaviše, onaj koji igra zbog saveznika a pritom direktno sabotira svoju državu, ne zna šta je strategija i ne želi da prizna da je napravio grešku.

Od tog trenutka, razumljivo, politika Vlade Republike Srbije prema Hrvatskoj je glasila - "Hrvatska - njih ignorišemo". Međutim, realnost je da se influence ne može ignorisati, već se mora poništiti.

Pratio sam novinske članke u komšiluku, svako ko je pokušao ubediti komšije koliko je ovo bila velika greška (pritom mislim na njihove državljane), bio je proglašen "izdajicom", "Srbinom", naravno, ne smemo zaobići "NWO/Fenix propagandu" i sl.

Srbija više nije obraćala pažnju na eHrvatsku, puzili smo po Evropi do Engleske, ali smo ipak stigli. Da, puzili smo, jer smo morali pritom poništiti influence koji su komšije pravile.

Zatim nastupa hipi pokret i mir u svetu.

Ceo svet bojkotuje, osim Rumunije i Hrvatske. Hrvatske smatra da bi Srbija trebala da se vrati u svoje originalne regije, srećom ponovo nije neophodno da to i platimo, da bi se oni "odobrovoljili". To je ono gore-pomenuto poštenje u pravom sjaju. Amerika, zemlja koja u ovoj igri pa i u SŽ isključivo gleda svoje interese i vuče strateške poteze, prihvata da bojkotuje iako su joj u tom trenutku originalne regije bile pod okupacijom eIndonezije! Iako se ovde ne radi o miru, već samo o prekidu vatre, ponovo se postavljaju oni suludi uslovi i ceo bojkot postaje "NWO propaganda"! Da, tih dana su se kretali komentari tipa:

- "Bojkotuje se jer to Srbima odgovara."

Da li je potreban komentar?

Bez obzira da li je za mene bojkot bio ispravan ili ne, mogućnost da se igra "popravi" nestala je u još jednoj objavi rata Hrvatske, ali ovog puta celom svetu. Naravno, bojkot je prekinut kada je Srbija reagovala u BiH i stvari su se vratile na staro. Vodila se tada polemika, da li smo trebali da ostanemo dostojni bojkotu do kraja i dopustimo da budemo obrisani? Ja mislim da ne. Mislim da sve ove Hrvatske strateške brljotine nisu zaslužile da budu rešene na mala vrata i protiv naših državnih interesa.

Tokom naše intervencije u Bosni i Hercegovini, Hrvati zauzimaju Vojvodinu! Mislim da je ovaj potez "prelio čašu" i da se više Hrvati ne mogu ignorisati. Kako sada vidim stvari, ovo je konačni obračun, a ako nije, treba ga u to pretvoriti. Hrvati su u stanju da igraju protiv celog sveta, samo da su Srbi na suprotnoj strani, a to će i "strateški" opravdati nekom nebulozom.

Za ova tri meseca sam shvatio, da Hrvatska nema apsolutno nikakav strateški cilj osim da sputava Srbiju. Ne brine mene njihov mazohizam, a i ne smeta mi, ali je neophodno, zarad naših interesa, brisanje Hrvatske i trajna okupacija, ma koliko para na to potrošili. Dugoročno, isplati se. Sve dok je u planu grčko-turski scenario. Nakon toga, možemo nastaviti da se igramo normalnim tempom i težiti ka ispunjenju ciljeva.

Ko je ovo pročitao, nije normalan.

Zahvaljujem se Cugu3H KejH koji je preveo čitav tekst na engleski jezik.



Let me tell you straight away that the article is a mile long and has no pictures in it. This is the detailed description, in my view, of the policy that lead to (un)neccessary war in Croatia.

Daily events in the realm of Serbo-croatian conflict made me think it over... Is this war Serbia's goal or frustration? Let's be very clear, I'm referring only to eFrustration. It was caused by game events and the very fact that that it's about Serbs and Croatians is adding to it's charm.

I'm not that experienced as a player, but I follow what's going on... that is why I believe that the series of bad diplomatic decisions lead to this war, in which for sure Croats will bite the dust. Let's have a look at the series of events that preceeded this situation.

In the moment of my eBirth, the articles were written, saying how PHOENIX is not rising from the ashes no more, that Serbia and Hungary are leaving and it's losing its wings. This is the period from early January.

Serbia and Hungary were neutral at the time, but the MPPs were active, and renewed after they expire. Those MPPs are not adjusted to the new alliance even today, so we can still consider this period the time of transition“.

The battlefield situation was such that eBosnia-Hercegovina was part of Serbia, as it is today. Actually, if I came from Mars now I would be convinced that eBosnia was part of original Serbian regions, since they were part of eSerbia longer than some original Serbian regions since my birth.

At the time there were negotiations about signing peace with Croatia, which was met reasonably by Serbian side, but not by Croatian side. From what I understood, Croatians wanted free Bosnia-Hercegovina, the thing that they couldn't accomplish neither by themselves nor with the assistance of their allies, as well as open route through Europe that they couldn't accomplish by themselves neither. True enough, they didn't ask to get paid to do all of the aformentioned. But joking aside, with such demands I expected the fall of Bosnia and perhaps some Serbian regoins too... Nevertheless, us the „neutral ones“, with our alliance dissapearing were left to the mercy of the world. It was logical to expect something like that in regard to neighbour's diplomacy.

All in all, no peace treaty was signed, Bosnia was not endangered, and at no time did some serbian region was seriously threatened.

To cut the long story short, Serbia did not want to have the war with the neighbours because it has accomplished its goal – wiping eCroatia off the map. New challenges were being sought, new goals, and for that reason new alliance that would rock the world was announced.

And the old war between Serbia and Croatia is still going on.

From this perspective it was totally unclear to me why Croatians don't want to sign peace, and I still don't understand this.

So the peace was not signed., Why? Because we didn't want to accept such insane conditions. Yes, insane. It is the insane position in which Croatia put themselves, and they believed that the serbian side is the one that should clean up those blunders. I don't know what you think, but for me it is utterly insane that a country surrounded by enemies and waging a war that does more damage to its economy than their opponent's economy, is making demands like this.

The war goes on.

There were rumours in the press at that time, about Poland voting MPP with Hungary and this way formally iniciate the co-operation, which would create chaos in global politics. This took place during the peace negotiations. When Polish government signed this agreement and when Spain recently followed the same footsteps it was clear what new alliance would look like and what it influence it would have on the whole world.

Since the Poles were great friends with Croats they would not let them defenseless. There was pressure on Croats by Poland to sign the peace treaty. The condition was given to Serbia to not invade Croatia, which was accepted by our side without any problems. It was clear that the membership of NWO was offered to Croatia, our government at the time was giving us the petition where such possibility was being mentioned.

What was the interest of eSerbia and eCroatia in joint accession to NWO? Well try to see it in realistic terms: MUTUAL!

Serbian interest was not having wasted influence every day, it already had open way to Europe, and this move would enable us to „fly“ through Europe, and not „crawling“, and acquiring the needed regions.

Croatian interest was that there would be no more devastation of their economy, open way in Europe (something they even stopped dreaming about) and no wasted influence.

It does not suffice to say that I was astonished by the comments by our neighbours. The comments were along these lines:

– „Do not trust a Serb even when he is bringing you gifts!“
– „We are here for honesty and real allies, not some virtual regions!“
– „NWO propaganda“
– „This alliance will not last a week, they will start fighting over the regions, I give them one month at most“

Now ask yourselves, is there any logic there? This is mazochism in the real sense of the world. Deliberate locking up in the cage, without any strategic plan. In fact, this was the strategic suicide. The one that plays the game for allies only and not for the interests of his country, or rather, the one that plays for the allies and is subverting his own country this way does not not know what strategy is and doesn't want to admit he made a mistake.

From that moment on, understandably, the policy of Serbian government towards Croatia was „Croatia – we ignore them“. However, in reality the influence cannot be ignored, it must be fought and overcome.

I followed the news articles in eCroatia, and everyone who tried to convince them that this is a huge mistake (of course I'm talking about their citizens) was declared a „traitor“, a „Serb“, and of course it was declared „NWO/PHOENIX propaganda“ and so on.

Serbia didn't pay attention to eCroatia anymore, we „crawled“ through Europe to England, but we still made it. Yes, we crawled, because we had to fight the influence done by our neighbours.

Then the hippie movement shows up, and peace in the world.

Entire world is boycotting the wars, except Romania and Croatia. Croatia believes that Serbia should withdraw to its original regions, fortunately it's not neccessary to pay for that too, to „win their hearts and minds“. This is the same honesty mentioned above in its real light. America, the country that both here in the game and in RL looks after their interests only, accepts the boycott even though at that time their original regions were under eIndonesian occupation! Altough this is not signing the peace treaty but a mere ceasefire the same insane demands are made again and the entire boycott becomes „NWO propaganda“! Yes, those days these kind of comments could be hear😛

- “The boycott is taking place because it suits the Serbs.“

Do we really need to comment on this?

Regards of whether the boycott was right or wrong for me, the possibility to „mend“ the game has vanished in one more Croatian declaration of war, this time to entire world. Of course, the boycott was interrupted when Serbia responded in eBosnia, and things went back to the old ways. At that time there were debates whether we should remain faithful to the boycott and allow ourselves to be erased? I believe the answer is no. I believe that the mentioned Croatian strategic blunders do not deserve to be resolved backstage and against our country's interests.

During our intervention in Bosnia-Hercegovina, Croatians occupy Vojvodina! I believe this move overstepped the line, and that Croats can not be ignored anymore. The way I see things now, this is the final reckoning, and if it is not, that's what it should become. eCroats are quite capable of playing against the whole world – provided that Serbs are the enemy, and this will be „justified“ strategically by some senseless excuse.

In the course of these three months I realised that Croatia hasn't got any other strategic goal except to hold Serbia back. I am not worried by their mazochism, and I don't mind it, however it is essencial for our own interests to erase Croatia and keep it under permanent occupation, no matter how costly it would be. In the long run, it will pay off. As long as Greek-Turkish scenario is in the picture. After that, we can continue to play to the usual vibes and try to accomplish our goals.

Whoever read all of this, must be insane.

Thanks to Cugu3H KejH for the translation to Engish.