Bring the fun back into the game!!!

Day 1,537, 11:04 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia by Pero Nakov BB

I have invested my free time for 8 months in this great game. After all that time, I could say I have created enough companies to secure the incomes, and I could finally fight.

Then came the latest changes. They brought the weapons raws to 0.06 on Macedonia's market. In a blink of an eye, 8 months of efforts went to hell. Not only that, but the new rules created an army of unemployed and that brought the salaries to little above 60MKD, or 2 q6 weapons.

You took the fun out of the game. It was like a release valve after the stressful day at work, and at the moment, it is not. So I ask you: what is the point of further playing the game?

So, please, do something to bring the fun back into the game. Otherwise, you will lose players. Lots of them.