Belgium’s Weekly Waffles: 9/3/11

Day 1,383, 00:03 Published in Belgium Switzerland by Monsieur Guillontine

I present to you this week’s waffles:

The One Day War With Ireland

The One Day War With Ireland

Less than a week ago, after our President and Minister of Foreign Affairs dismissed an Irish offer for a Training War. Why? Because obviously since Ireland and the UK had a real war, it just wouldn’t be practical… not only that, but there is really no reason why Ireland would need a Training War, therefore making the offer quite suspicious. A day after Ireland’s offer was rejected, in the middle of the night when all Belgians were asleep, Monsieur Guillontine was shocked to find out that there was a Natural Enemy Law proposed against Belgium by Ireland. Monsieur Guillontine quickly counter proposed a Natural Enemy Law against Ireland and set out on contacting the Irish right away. After talking to one of the Irish Minister of Defences, Patrick O’leary, Monsieur Guillontine soon found out that Ireland’s president, Irish_Rebel_Reborn had lied to most of his cabinet as well as all the Irish citizens that Belgium supposedly allowed Ireland to occupy Flanders for a short while so that the Irish forces could invade London quickly.

When Critically, the President of Belgium, finally woke up, everything was explained, and he and the Minister of Foreign Affairs communicated with the Irish. Critically soon said that the situation was settled, and that the Irish would not attack Belgium after the law proposal passed… and even if it did, if the Belgians could help push out the Irish from the South East of England, Ireland would have no way of attacking Flanders because they would have no territories connected.

Everything seemed to be taken care of… until that night. Only ten minutes after the Natural Enemy Law proposal passed, Irish_Rebel_Reborn began the invasion of Flanders. Luckily, even though everyone was once again asleep in Belgium, Monsieur Guillontine was around. Hastily, he wrote an article to the world, explaining what had happened and what was happening at that point, revealing the truth about Irish_Rebel_Reborn’s aggressive and untrustworthy behavior. Monsieur Guillontine soon contacted Macedonia as well as the UK, calling for immediate aid. In the end, thanks to the article publicizing the Belgian crisis and the friends who helped Belgium in her time of need, Flanders was successfully defended, closing the war with Ireland.

I hope you enjoyed this week’s Saturday morning waffles. Go ahead and discuss or debate with each other, or even insult each other right below. Remember to check next week for some more hot crispy Belgian waffles!

Yours Truly,
Monsieur Guillontine