Belgium’s Weekly Waffles: 8/27/11

Day 1,376, 00:17 Published in Belgium Switzerland by Monsieur Guillontine

I present to you this week’s waffles:

Presidential Candidate Jofroi Under Investigation
August 2011’s Congressional Elections

Presidential Candidate Jofroi Under Investigation

Only a couple of days ago, amid the countless debates taking place in Congress, something unexpected (or expected) occurred. Konrad Neumann, the 3-time former German President, but now Belgian citizen, commenced a Supreme Court case against Supreme Court Justice, Vice President, as well as September Presidential Candidate Jofroi. What were the charges for? An attempt to bribe the other presidential candidate, the disruption of the democratic process in Belgium, as well as the disrespect for the opinions of the common Belgian citizen. Evidence for such behavior was collected from IRC logs as well as the Belgian National Forum. Although this evidence is quite convincing, some are still skeptical over whether this is actually illegal or not. However, no matter whether Presidential Candidate Jofroi’s actions are unlawful or not, it is still clearly proven that there are some questionable intentions due to the lack of moral considerations.

August 2011’s Congressional Elections

This month’s Congressional Elections were actually interesting! With Res Belgica back in business, and Belgium for Belgians under new leadership, there was definitely a change in seat distribution. Early on, there was some drama since the somewhat active and semi-trusted AllTOgethers member, Vekarga, was permanently banned due to multiple accounts. In addition to that, in the first hour, only 4 out of 7 Belgian Communist Party candidates were secured seats, whereas 10 out of 13 Belgium for Belgians candidates were safe. And yet, when the final minute ticked with 140 votes in, the tides had completely changed from the early stages of the election. The Belgian Communist Party secured all 7 of their candidates, Res Belgica had held onto all 5 of their candidates, Belgium for Belgians with 8 out of 13 candidates, AllTOgethers with 4 of their 6 candidates, whereas the United Left Alliance only received 5 out of 8 of their candidates. Therefore, it can be concluded that Belgium for Belgians continued holding onto the largest amount of Congress seats, the Belgian Communist Party once again has been able to successfully acquire more seats, Res Belgica has made a solid first impression, AllTogethers is doing as usual, and last but not least, the United Left Alliance is slumping a bit, possibly due to leadership or the decrease in their activity.

I hope you enjoyed this week’s Saturday morning waffles. Go ahead and discuss or debate with each other, or even insult each other right below. Remember to check next week for some more hot crispy Belgian waffles!

Yours Truly,
Monsieur Guillontine