Belgium, It's Time For Unity

Day 1,377, 10:21 Published in Belgium Switzerland by Monsieur Guillontine

I think it’s time that we have a talk, eBelgium.

Unity. That is what eBelgium clearly does not have right now. It saddens me every day I see anger constantly just rising and rising, faster and faster. Wise Mesdemoiselles Elynea has already pointed this issue on the forums before, and I cannot agree with her any less.
There are many problems in eBelgium as of now, whether it’s where to put funding into, whether or not we should make Congress donations mandatory or not, and so on. eBelgium is splitting apart. This only reminds me of the disunity boiling in the real Belgium, where people cannot agree with one another on anything. Why? Why is there so much division? Is it that hard for people to just set aside their differences and try to work together for once? Well… it is human nature, after all.

And yet, that is no reason for us to just give up on aiming toward harmony. Every time I check the forums, I see a new argument. Can we not just try to understand and accept each other’s differences? We must remember that eRepublik is a game that is heavily influenced by politics. Yes, I have to admit that is correct. But, it is the moment that we let ourselves succumb to our own rage over a feeling of politics being personal… that is the point where all logic and reason is gone, only to be replaced with anger. These feelings…. that is what I feel is driving eBelgium apart, destroying all we have worked toward for so long.

And so, I plead everyone, I beg everyone, to please, try and forget the emotion of hatred, and replace it with forgiveness and compassion. Feel sorry for the person who is treating you wrongly, and do not provoke that person any further. It is important that we, as the people of eBelgium, as the future of eBelgium, destroy that which is destroying eBelgium.

A man once troubled by these exact problems we are facing right now… he was able to prove history wrong by radiating only great love for all. He had many oppressors, and yet, he treated all of them as he would treat his own mother. Not only did he create unity within India, he also did so through the use of non-violence.

Anger and intolerance are the enemies of correct understanding.

Mahatma Gandhi said those exact words… and I cannot see any reason why they should not help guide us toward a peaceful eBelgium with only harmony, and nothing else.

Yours Truly,
Monsieur Guillontine