Ban Gray Tabby / Lego-Kun from Eden HQ

Day 1,854, 03:30 Published in Romania Romania by zmeuNY



This is in no way a political Article, but it represents the will of a nation

In light of the latest EDEN developments and due to the fact that eRomania is one of the proud and founding countries of the Eden Alliance, WE - the players that wish to play this game and help each other in a constructive manner - are officially requesting the ban and removal of Gray Tabby (formerly Lego-Kun) from any Eden Organization involvement.

We consider that Gray Tabby does NOT reprezent eRomania's interest in an honorable manner, and we certainly don't want this player to have any involvement with our Allies. He has undermined his own national interests in a number of times as well as fight against eRomania and respectively Eden Orders / Priorities.

As such, we consider that Gray Tabby would NOT properly reprezent Eden's interests.

Dear Eden Leaders and Countries. Please do not allow such ludicrous characters to taint our Alliance, our Friends, and nevertheless our Country eRomania ! Let's clean up and put an end to the negative influences, and we shall be stronger ! We simply cannot accept this attitude within our network !

Gray Tabby has been the subject of numerous fights and intricate negative stories in his own Country. There is substantial proof that he has been playing a generally deconstructive and flaming game. His position within the Soimii Patriei UM, and the support from other eRomanian Eden HQ members that have been lured, has allowed him to access almost any resource. This is because his UM is part of a totalitarian, exploitative Organization called SMR that has been keeping eRomania under takeover for years. The obscure friendships and "groups of interest" formed have been slowly decaying the country and widening the gap between their UM's and new players who have no chance, or are discouraged from the game. It is a tendentiously constructed "Apparatus" meant to maintain control and eliminate "all the others". This is all at the expense of new players who have been exploited, sabotaged and intimidated.

Gray Tabby has fought several times agains eRomania's Orders and Eden's priorities !!



Gray Tabby has been accused of using multies for his own interests, including voting multies that have been subsequently banned. (see pictures below)

Gray Tabby has been jumping Political Parties in eRomania in order to troll and put himself on lists (ex. eLAM) where he wasn't welcome. (see pictures below)

Please vote and sign this article with your comment if you support it, and you believe the facts exposed above are true. The amount of votes and signatures will stand proof of our resentment toward players that have dishonored their colleagues, countrymen, and allies as well.

God Bless.
Hail EDEN !
Hail eRomania !
Hail All of our Friends !


Acesta nu este un Articol politic, ci este dorinta unei natiuni

In urma problemelor la EDEN, si datorita faptului ca eRomania este una dintre tarile fondatoare ale Aliantei EDEN, NOI - Romanii care jucam constructiv si ne ajutam intre noi - cerem in mod oficial scoaterea si interzicerea lui Gray Tabby (fost Lego-Kun) de la orice demers al Organizatiei EDEN.

Consideram ca Gray Tabby nu reprezinta interesele eRomaniei intr-o maniera onorabila, si nu dorim ca acest jucator sa aiba de aface cu Aliatii nostri. Acest jucator a subminat interesele nationale si de asemenea a luptat impotriva ordinelor si prioritatilor de mai multe ori. Oare cat isi mai bat unii joc de noi toti?

Datorita acestor fapte, consideram ca Gray Tabby / Lego-Kun nu poate reprezenta nici interesele Aliantei

Dragi Lideri EDEN, si tari membre EDEN. Nu permiteti asemenea caractere obscure sa ne pateze Alianta, Prietenii, sau tara noastra eRomania ! Dorim sa facem curatenie si sa terminam pentru totdeauna cu aceste influente negative pentru a deveni mai puternici ! Pur si simplu nu dorim sa acceptam astfel de atitudine in randurile noastre !

Gray Tabby (sau Lego-kun) a fost subiectul multor scandaluri si povesti negative in tara lui. Exista dovezi clare si substantiale ca joaca in mod destructiv si tendentios. Pozitia sa in Unitatea Militara Soimii Patriei, unde este inca acceptat, coroborata cu sprijinul altor reprezentanti Romani la Eden HQ (alpho, turturica, Ms Carmen, diuras) care sunt in sfera lui de influenta, i-au permis accesul aproape oriunde. Toate astea pentru ca fac parte din organizatia SMR - un "Aparat" totalitar si exploatativ care tine eRomania sub takeover de ani de zile. Prieteniile dubioase, ascunse, si "grupurile de interese" formate in aceasta Organizatie Monstru au dus la decaderea inceata si sigura a eRomaniei de-a lungul timpului. De asemenea a dus la formarea unei diferente uriase intre Unitatile Militare apartenente SMR si jucatorii noi care nu au nici o sansa, fiind descurajati in permanenta. Este un "Aparat" construit tendentios menit sa detina controlul total si pentru a-i elimina pe "ceilalti". Toate astea in dauna jucatorilor noi, cetateni eRomania, platitori de taxe, care sunt exploatati, sabotati, si intimidati

Gray Tabby a luptat in cateva randuri impotriva ordinelor si prioritatilor tarii



Gray Tabby a fost acuzat ca se foloseste de clone, inclusiv la aducerea de voturi
Gray Tabby a intrat de multe ori in alte Partide cu scopul de a produce scandal si a dezbina (vezi cazul eLAM)

Va rugam sa votati si sa semnati acest Articol daca sprijiniti ideile expuse in el. Numarul de voturi si semnaturi vor fi dovada resentimentului nostru fata de jucatorii care si-au dezonorat colegii, concetatenii, si aliatii deopotriva !

Va multumim
Cu Dummezeu Inainte !
Sa ne auzim Invingatori