AV - AI - PP

Day 693, 12:18 Published in Australia Australia by Aussie Vegeta

Hi all...

You might be wondering why an ex-CP and ex-ADSP PP is running for Party President of the Independents. Well I have always respected what the AI (or previously AIP) represented since understanding party politics! It is freedom of opinion, freedom of political position. A place where you can stand up and run for congress regardless of your political viewpoint, a place to put forward your political goals if they don't align with ont of the major parties.

I have twice in my time seen this group of Independents come under threat of loosing that and had people try to use game dynamics to make it more party like.
Also in more recent times the smaller parties are using AI as a place to run for congress before returning to their own parties.

The reason that I am standing is to protect those citizens who don't align themselves with any of the other parties on offer. Those who do want to stand for what they believe in. I want to offer support where I can to help these people reach their goals.

A vote for me ensures that AI does not become Party like.
A vote for me ensures that AI remains for its members.

Cheers all...