Aussie Vegeta describes Cabinet roles

Day 592, 06:35 Published in Australia Australia by Aussie Vegeta

The greatest asset our country has is the hard working citizens who make her up, and my leadership style is to release trusted people to manage and achieve goals in the way that they see as the best way possible. Some of the ways that I would like to help them accomplish this will be that they can choose their own staff (with a few conditions). Also, I have strong expectations, and will provide objectives and targets I EXPECT my cabinet to achieve within their term.

I will announce my cabinet tomorrow - but first, I would like to outline some of the expectations that I will have of my cabinet if I am elected. *EDIT* Cabinet now announced

Deputy Prime Minister:
My Deputy Prime Minister has to be my right hand! This is the person who will represent you if I am unavailable, and will be across all the work of my Cabinet and will represent your interests in government. They will be here to be my key advisor, and to help guide and advise my Cabinet.
Also, I trust this person to take the reigns if for some reason I am not able to fulfill my role. I expect him to be up to date on where all Departments are up to (this will involve reading weekly reports from ministers, and keeping in contact with them as well). I also expect ALL Ministers to speak with them frequently so they are aware of any changes day to day.

Tresurer (MoF):
The Treasurer is key to looking after our economy. Industry is also vital, but without a strong dollar, we can not achieve the ability to ensure strong government investment where needed, and we will not be able to meet our committments in terms of the need to support the purchase of companies to return our regions. This HAS to be someone who I sincerely trust - very much - as they will be responsible for our nations finances. My expectations are that they follow the senate approved budget and deliver the appropriate AUD and gold to the appropriate Departments, in line with the approval of your Senate. I will also be requiring a weekly budget of what has come in and what has gone out, and whether that is ahead or behind projected budget.

Minister of Defence:
Defence is a vital role. Apart from the current war games (which we need to ensure continue in to the future) I expect My Co-Ministers (yes, I would like two people to manage this role jointly next term as this is a large role) to continue to build the eAustralian Military and support our troops. If there is a means to expand the current dropbears and/or ACUK, I want them to find it! I also want the MoDs to build on the stockpiling of weapons (not just Q1) and ensure we are READY for future military conflict. I also would expect the MoDs to deliver regular reports to you the people on their activities.

Minister of Industry:
These Ministers (again 2 to work together) will be responsible to run our government companies, watch and report on the market, as well as be in contact with our GM's to offer assistance. My expectation is that the government companies will be offering jobs at all times so that our citizens will have somewhere to work. I will expect our most important company (NMRC - Hospital company) to be at full capacity, and if any improvements can be made to assist speeding up the construction process that they be put forward. We need more q5 hospitals, and my dPM and I will do all in my power to deliver these to you this term.

Minister of Foreign Affairs:
Foreign affairs is becoming our most important portfolio. As you know, over the next two months SA and WA will absorb the attention of the people, as they are the last two remaining regions until our full return as a nation. So, I would like to ensure that we have a Ministry for Foreign Affairs that attempts firstly to work with the eIndonesians to ensure the ongoing support for the currently agreed ARRIA and the return of our final two regions.
I expect my MoFA to be exploring the best way to start the mammoth task of purchasing the companies that are in WA. I'm going to want a report on this within our first week of term, so we can start the process.

I see the MoFA and our MoD as a role that links together in the interests of our future security. While I cannot promise you updates on everything they do as they do it, I do expect them to act in your best interests and to advise the senate, and through this your representatives, of any issue that will impact on the future of our nation. If alliances are on the cards, I expect full reports from both departments with their recommendations of the best potential countries to partner with.

Minister of Cultural Services:
Supporting our growth and new players is also greatly important. My expectations for my Minister in this role will be to keep developing the wiki workgroup (currently being formed) to ensure a continuation of experience will be offered to our citizens. Also, I expect they will continue to support and encourage new citizens, through things such as the fortnightly competitions, which encourage the skill development of our new citizens to promote participation. The mentioned competitions will be targeted at all areas of eLife. Another key part of this role will be to continue to provide emergency wellness support and aid citizens so they can be at a level to use one of our hospital. This helps to keep the cost for this department lower, and focus on what we need - new players!

Minister of Information:
From my minister of information I expect current and up to date relevant information be fed to myself (and dPM), the Senate, and to the public where applicable. The reports I want to see will be readable, precise and to the point. I will require that my MoIF be in contact with all ministers at least weekly so he can provide the appropriate reporting.

Finally, I believe a strong cabinet is an integrated one. We MUST meet regularly. We MUST share information together. This in the end is about delivering strong outcomes to YOU - the people who elect your government. Transparency isn't just a buzzword - it is a need of ANY strong government. That way you can debate, argue and have an ONGOING say in shaping your future. If you allow me, that is my goal and aim as your next Prime Minister. Allow me, and the people who I choose for the roles above, help us achieve this goal.

Cheers, AV...