Armenia Housing Grant Week 3

Day 5,340, 03:47 Published in Armenia Armenia by Camat AG

Dear Armenians,

We are testing out a new program --ARMENIA HOUSING GRANT-- which will give out a certain amount of currency to citizens actively using a Q2 house.

Weekly timeline:
- Every Sunday/Monday, a member of the government will publish an article where you can apply for this grant. You can apply by commenting on the article.
- On Tuesday, up to 12 hours after day change, we will do the donations to eligible applicants.

Requirements for applicants:
1. You have to be an e-citizen of Armenia
2. You have done a minimum of 1000 kills (below level 300) or 2000 kills (level 300 and above) during the current week
3. You have active Q1 and Q2 houses - we will check in your residence page

How to apply:
- Comment on this article

Grant amount this week:
- 8000 cc

Best regrets 😛

Camat AM