An arrival of the beaver...

Day 974, 09:36 Published in USA Lithuania by Ignas Grinevicius
Nah, I’m not from Canada. I’m from Lithuania and from now on I’ll be a Lithuanian ambassador in the United States. I’ll introduce myself and Lithuania in this article. It won’t be too boring, so read!

Who is that freakin’ beaver?

I’m a politician in Lithuania. I was the president of my country 2,5 times (one time I became a president when manteliuks got impeached, the other two times I was elected). I was also a member of the cabinet multiple times.

Now I’m a minister of community affairs. The ministry of community affairs in Lithuania cares about the newbies and is trying to find ways to keep the people in game.

I’m also the president of the fourth party in Lithuania - the Lithuanian liberaldemocrats (Lietuvos liberaldemokratai). This month the number of our members increased from 20 to 85!

And yeah... I was also an ambassador in Turkey and Slovenia, but I got pretty bored there, so do not forget to keep me excited!

I celebrated my first eBirthday yesterday!

Some facts about Lithuania

Lithuania is ranked 24th in population. It now has 7 regions: 5 orginal and 2 conquered from Latvia.

Our biggest party is “Sąjūdis” with 350 members. Guess who founded it? Josh Frost! It had different name then, but it’s still the same party.

Our president is linksmas (his nickname means happy in English). He is the member of the third-best party in Lithuania - Solidarumas (Solidarity).">
I’m getting too serious, so here’s some Lithuanian chicks!">

I almost forgot to mention Max McFarland 2 (I want my article to make it to the top). Don’t break the tradition and VOTE!

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See you in IRC!

Ignas Grinevičius,
Lithuanian ambassador in the US.