All TOgethers is supporting Critically

Day 1,353, 06:06 Published in Belgium Belgium by Jofroi

Greetings citizens of eBelgium

Before reading trough both Critically's manifesto and Jamster's manifesto, we have decided to support Critically this election. Even tho both manifesto's have many similarities, one of the main reasons why we decided to back Critically was that he's just a better candidate (just look at the fact that last month Mittekemuis had to do the job of Jamster due to inactivity).

In Jamster's manifesto's it's written very clearly: He (just like his party members) want us to enter training wars after the ending of this one. He wants us to remain invaded. We, All TOgethers simply cannot support a president that doesn't even support his own country sovereignty. A president that wants to give us over to the UK or foreign countries. We are eBelgium. If we wanted to be eUK, we would have joined up in eUK. The players who joined up, joined up for eBelgium. Not eUK. All TOgethers opposes any form of invasion from eUK. I like Jamster737 as a person very much, but I cannot support a president that does not respect our independence.

Ask yourself: Do you really want these people to become your new overlords?

I for one do not want that. I for one enjoy being eBelgian and take pride in that. There is already enough talks about separation and splitting up Belgium in Real Life. Let's not bring this to erepublik as well.

This is the reason why we will be voting for Critically.

I've known Critically for well over a year now. I've learned to appreciate his knowledge, his judgement and his opinion. He's a great guy with an impressive knowledge of eWorld and Erepublik. He's a guy with in-depth knowledge of foreign affairs and a guy with great contacts in the countries that surround us.... Critically, my dear friends, is a born leader.

Critically is eBelgian... Critically joined this country to become eBelgian,... And Critically will do everything in his power to keep this country eBelgian.

That's why All TOgethers has decided to back up Critically!

Vive la Belgique
Leve België

All Togethers, fighting for Belgian independence… Will you fight with us?

Uberleader of ATO

Oh and least but not least. There's another reason why we don't want eBelgium to become eUK.