A visual history into our friendships...

Day 1,840, 06:49 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Thomas765

The UK is but one of many nations in the world, as you should be aware. Friendships for our country have come and gone; many turning into bitter enemies and some becoming good friends despite past mutual dislike. The diagrams I have created below are approximations, not everything is accurate but it gives a relative example of who we were allied to in the past several years. A trend appears in the maps as well. Before or during alliance shifts, we tend to be more neutral with particular countries. During times of secure alliances, we have a lot less allies middle ground countries. However, what we're seeing now cannot be easily compared to what's happened in the past. The resource system means that countries fall out with neighbours a lot more easily, as we have seen first hand with France and between Chile and Argentina, who were actually allies for a while before. On with the article.

We are currently allied with the countries in blue on the map below, those in yellow or mustard are countries that we've positioned ourselves neutrally. Countries in red are our enemies.

Present day; I just realised that the UK and Ireland are nearly the exact same colours they are in-game 😛

We seem to have gained a few allies this year. At the beginning of the year, the world was cemented in this bi-polar position with few countries expressing any real desire to change. The fun was there when it was rumoured that a few EDEN nations expressed their desire to switch alliances. The beginning of the year was quite tough for the eUK, as such we often made it our aim to cooperate as best as we can with all allies across the world, which could ultimately secure us more help for obtaining a congress.

January 2012, the month before 17 of our allies lost their congress.

The world was very much a one sided place at the beginning of 2012. Since then, we have been able to once again become friends with Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile but we have also lost Iran as an ally, due to their own discontent within ONE. We also decided to take neutral relations with Sweden after the ABC-Asgard war that saw Sweden begin to align themselves with EDEN again, perhaps unwillingly. In January 2012 we were a member of ONE, the predecessor to TWO.

Things were a whole lot different by May 2011. The world was still trying to adapt from Phoenix collapsing, ONE forming and Terra forming. We were members of Terra earlier in the year and we had retained some of their members as allies, while adopting our own stance of neutrality between Terra and ONE. We left Terra after pressure from the USA and after nearly being forced to align ourselves with EDEN. This was before our famous (or infamous) article that promoted friendship with Poland.

May 2011, when ONE became the world's most dominant force, eventually wiping the USA for the first time

Brazil were pissed off after we left Terra because of Ireland and thus for the first time since we joined PEACE, we were enemies. As we were growing closer to the ONE camp, many former Phoenix allies such as France and Germany became increasingly alienated by our decisions. Attempts to reinforce the Strasbourg treaty between all three nations were successful up until we became more friendly with Poland. Turkey is noticably our ally by this point, having been one of best allies back in Phoenix times.

November 2010, Phoenix on its last legs

Now this is a pleasant change. Many of the countries we now call allies were in fact our enemies only two years prior. This map roughly shows the situation in November 2010, one month before Phoenix officially disbanded. Argentina, Turkey, France, the Netherlands and Portugal, all of whom I would say are our enemies these days were some of our greatest allies. At this point, South America was dominated by Argentina and Brazil. No other country had a population that was substainable. I recall that New Zealand attempted to invade Chile at one point but neither country was really strong enough to invade efficiently. As a result of ALA (a Latin American alliance that saw most, if not all South American nations allied) South America was relatively peaceful up until the resource system changed in early 2011.

This isn't the most detailed analysis of who our allies were over the past few years but it details the change that we have perceived. I deliberate didn't do anything older than November 2010 simply because that goes past my personal experience with the game. The above diagrams have something in common though: Serbia, Hungary, Indonesia, Macedonia, Lithuania, Estonia and Slovenia have remained our allies, whether we're suffering or we're in prosperity. I'd hope for that to remain.

The standard, cheesey image off of google images that has no real meaning other than agreement.

I can do a closer analysis of some of the countries there if need be there's a general overview. I believe it's mostly accurate but if something's wrong, send me over a PM.

Current alliances of die Welt: Red is ABC, Olive is Asgard, Dark Blue is TWO, Cyan is CoT, Light blue are pro-CoT, purple are pro-TWO, Yellow are neutral, Green are EDEN, light green are Garden of EDEN, maroon are Anti-EDEN camp and gold are ex-Terra/limbo countries.

Thank you for reading,

Ninja edit:

Europe is looking pretty not-EDEN these days