A terrible idea

Day 1,057, 09:38 Published in USA USA by ligtreb

From the latest eRepublik Insider:

In order to decrease the number of articles spamming different countries one small step that will be implemented starting today is that you will be able to publish articles from your citizen account only in the country in which you have citizenship.

This is a terrible idea.

I understand why the admins would want to stop spamming and trolls -- they're annoying. However, this goes way too far.

There are lots of citizens in this game with friends all over the world. Not allowing them to publish in a different country hurts the other countries as much as the citizen.

There are lots of people who have a citizenship solely for anit-Political Take Over reasons, and live most of their e-life in their original country. They should be able to publish in their original country.

Many citizens publish in another country for diplomatic reasons, not every foreign article is spamming or trolling.

This is a global game, a lot of the fun is interacting with people all over the world. That becomes harder if you can't move your newspaper.

The media module is one of my favorite parts of this game, but I fear this rule change will hurt it immensely. I learned about a lot of the foreign newspapers I'm subscribed to because they published an article in the USA, and I know I have many international subscribers who may have seen an article I published in Canada, Croatia, India, Poland, Serbia, Spain or the U.K.

There are ways to stop spamming and trolling without eliminating the ability to publish in another country.

You can limit people to 1-2 articles per day.
You can limit newspaper moves to 1-2 per week.
You can charge a citizen gold to move their newspaper.
You can allow only citizens of a the country the article was published on to vote on articles (so trolls don't get into the Top 5).

I thought of those off the top of my head, and all would help the problem much more than the idea the admins came up with without taking away a citizen's ability to publish elsewhere.

I ask those of you who agree with me to please comment in support, and hope the admins see my article and the others who agree with me like Joe Newton.

Signing these open letters couldn't hurt either:


