A note from the Prime Minister...

Day 602, 00:55 Published in Australia Australia by Aussie Vegeta

Hi Citizens,

What a busy week!
I was thinking it might take afew days to settle into this role... HA! as if...
Within 3-4hrs the messages from foreign officials started flowing. Then the requests for interviews from foreign newspapers.
My favorite messages though have been from our own new citizens. Helping them get a grasp on where to look for history, and how to develop has been a great privilege of this role. Seeing their names pop up in IRC and on the forums just makes me smile.

Talks of alliances, the war in North America and the end of wargames have been rampant, so we will be meeting in the senate over the weekend so we can try sort out where we want to go as a nation. So if you have any suggestions, please contact your local senator.

Over the next few days we will be confirming all the details of the Resistance war for South Australia, so be ready for that. It will be good to see our South Australian exiles be able to return home.

I would like to thank my cabinet for their strong work so far in this term. And look forward to working with you in the coming weeks.

On a side note, I will be away for the weekend, so our deputy PM Corny-Ratbag will be acting Prime Minister for that duration.

Cheers, AV...