A murder of... clowns

Day 1,387, 10:47 Published in Romania Romania by Wallachian

To better understand this article read the previous one as well: Serbia and the true nature of her "friends"

Let`s go back in time to December 2010. A group of Polish (trolls) with no other occupation but to agitate the spirits and fight for their right to e-global recognition decided to put an end to EDEN. Back then EDEN was in it`s "classic" formula with Poland, Spain and Sweden among their ranks.
This Polish group who`s members I won`t mention here has disappeared in the meantime, one of them banned and the others pretty much inactive. However back then they represented an important decision making factor in Poland.

Even if Poland left EDEN in January this year, the issues were a lot deeper than that going back to the beginning of 2010 when the conflict erupted in the EDEN HQ between the Polish (represented by the troll`s group) and the Romanian president at the time. The trolls did what they knew best, agitate the spirits inside the HQ and in the media trying to put Romania in a bad light. I still remember an article written by vingaer in the Romanian media (!) where she was complaining that Romania didn`t attack some country (can`t be bothered to check which one) which got people quite frustrated with having an EDEN HQ official, at that time, which was acting like a drama queen in another country member`s press. Not a very friendly thing to do one would say.

Bottom line, this Polish group needed more "attention" or maybe the game was getting too boring for them, or even "for teh lulz" like one of those trolls sincerely admitted the true reason why Poland left EDEN.
Since the above mentioned incident Poland stopped being a true EDEN member doing their best not to participate in EDEN joint actions and were happily fighting with their neighbors (like the mighty Lithuania) or for colonies. Now thinking about it, Poland didn`t change much did they? When EDEN (currently ONE) countries were in dire need for help Poland was nowhere to be found.

Things went like this for a year and at the end on 2010, the trolls "made up" another conflict with the EDEN SC at that time Bogdan_L. It seems that this troll group had "A LOT" of issues to solve and fortunately for them Bogdan_L was more of a soldier than a politician so he easily fell in their trap. The trolls immediatly started to scream that the EDEN HQ doesn`t respect them.

What`s left of the Polish leaf

Because that was not enough to convince the Polish community, which was still very much divided, of how EDEN was a bad guy praying on the innocents, they also brought about the RL friendship with Hungary. All this time the insults and the patronizing tone against Romania continued. One of accuses they brought was of how they were forced to fight in the endless Romanian-Hungarian war (which they weren`t doing anyway) and how boring it became - for a month later, after creating ONE, to fight in the same war but on the other side.

Because the group was made of a few media moguls with plenty of subscribers they managed to put Hungary (the country which tried to kill their babies at the beginning of the year through some very unorthodox methods) in a good light tapping on the RL friendships the two countries have while same time putting Romania (the country who tried to save their ass when Hungary was doing the above and in many other situations) in a bad light.

For those who argue that RL is important in here, say that to Hungary and Serbia which in RL have even worse relations than Hungary and Romania do, and still in-game their friendship managed to survive ever since the moment they were put on the map.

Election time and the trolls came to power in Poland while the other faction - the pro-EDEN one lead by Ariakis lost. Their victory was due to pure propaganda.

Nowhere in eRepublik history an entire community has been fed such blatant lies and ended in taking it for granted. An entire campaign based on trollface.jpg`s, polandballs and RL propaganda turned an once respected EDEN member into a dire enemy of it`s own alliance - alliance they created as co-founders!.

So far so good. Kudos for the Hungarian diplomacy and for this group of 5-6 trolls that managed something like that. But where are we now?

Well, Poland still does what they know best - follow their own interest disregarding everybody else, playing with their weaker neighbors and creating colonial empires while their allies (i.e. Serbia) are being erased. The troll group has ever since disappeared (not always fortunate as one of them - Martinoz was actually quite funny) leaving the country at the mercy of the history and for ever being regarded as a traitors.

Until now it was EDEN calling them Juniors. It seems that ever since they managed to show their "qualities" to other newer allies as well.
Once a Junior, always a Junior! Serbia learned the truth in that statement the hard way. Hungary realized that if they need help they have to beg for it.

You wanted an alliance of VIP`s and that is exactly what you got, all of them leaders and leader wanna-be`s. Their egotistic issues could be because of air being a lot thinner up there. It`s hard to have long-lasting success when you step over the bodies of your former comrades in order to achieve victory by any means necessary.

Oh well, good luck with that. It is not EDEN`s problem anymore. We play, we have fun, we win or we lose - but we do it as a team. That is the secret of EDEN.

Some came and some left but only the true remained and like I said before - Soon we will celebrate 2 years of EDEN. Immortality is our legacy!

The tree has been cleansed of brushwood. You can find it in ONE`s backyard now.