A Letter To eUSA, From The eUK

Day 3,216, 15:49 Published in USA United Kingdom by HebronGazelle

Dear USA,

It has come to our attention that you have set your sails towards the sunny, rainy and windy isles of Britain. Generally we would accept such obese people into our country as it makes the native population look thinner and more attractive (we really need them to look more attractive). However, under current circumstances it is not acceptable. Your declaration of war on the United Kingdom of Great Britain, Northern Ireland, The Commonwealth and Sealand is quite unacceptable.

It has been suggested that you are confused in attempting to take over these glorious islands. It is possible. We looked at our oil reserves to find only a note saying:

"Dear Badger Stackers, I’m afraid there is no oil. Kind regards – and good luck! Horice"

We know you 'Muricans are looking for oil so we put together a map so you can figure out which countries you are meant to be invading. We know illiteracy is high in your country so to preserve your honour we have avoided lots of words and instead used some colour.

We are also indeed a free country, you do not need to spread freedom across our lands. Please take a look at the map and consider your next move. We hope you are able to understand the map and therefore put away your guns. If you cannot understand we can always speak slower to you. We hope UK-USA relations continue despite this difficulty. Although this attack has put you "at the back of the queue" in terms of relations, we will still work with you. Thank you for your cooperation.

Thanks for reading,
A Citizen Of The Free World

And thanks to Karacticus for the gold.