A great idea, and other news

Day 1,043, 18:57 Published in USA USA by ligtreb

On the eUS forums, Leroy Combs came up with a great idea I hope catches on. His post that started it:

With the increase in the number of battle hero (BH) awards, I was hoping the U.S. could start a new tradition where the BH winner donates at least half of their treasure map winnings to the government to go toward battle cost. I know I would be willing to do this because without the government opening the battle I would have no chance at getting a BH. This is more important now then ever because of the lack of government gold to start battles. Any thoughts?

Yes, yes, 100% yes.

Maybe it's because I have a Congressional background, where it's tradition for Congressmen to donate their treasure maps for a good cause, but this is an idea that could help our country. It's well known that countries all over the world are struggling to get gold ever since the v2/Rising economy was launched. Gold is needed to start battles and wars. Without battles and wars, this game becomes less fun.

I know, I know, a lot of you self-fund your tanking efforts to win the medals. But as Leroy said, in many cases you wouldn't have been able to win the medal without the government (or an ally) starting the battle.

I pledge to donate the treasure map for any Battle Hero or Resistance War medal I get to a government or military related organization. Will you join me?


As you've probably seen by now, the new war module has been launched, and the USA and EDEN have a training war going on against Portugal.

So far, I like this new module. Fighting is less time-consuming for those of us who are busy. Each mini-battle lasts only two hours, which opens up more strategy. There is still some kind of PvP. And you can make a significant impact fighting at any time during the battle (not just at the end like before).

What I do hate is weapons durability -- weapons are way too expensive to last only 2-5 times. This needs to change, badly.


Blank Keating is one of our best up-and-coming writers, he has already written a guide to fighting in this new war module:


Everyone should read and sub his paper. Even if you don't read his stuff, vote it up so more people see it.


Tomorrow is my last day as Speaker of the House, Congress is currently voting on my replacement. I trust either Laxsnor, Claire Littleton or Cromstar will lead Congress well.

I should have written this while the last Congress was still in office, but it was an honor to be your Speaker for a term. You treated me well and most importantly, served our country well. I enjoyed it and grew as a congressman and citizen during the experience. I only wish I didn't become so real-life busy the last few days so I could've ended this term on more of a high-note. Thank you all for your service.