A Danish Legend has been born \o/

Day 3,262, 10:58 Published in Greece Denmark by Maine Coon

There is not many goals to set anymore, as I reached most of what I set myself up to do.

Never the less I still like to set goals to achive, and in this game it could be reaching a rank, getting a certain number of a specific medals etc. Last year it was to reach 200 Mercenary medals, this year I wanted to reach Legendrank and finally get the Visamedal.

One of them is now done - I'm a Legend !

Sadly the rank is not done in my homecountry for various reasons, but being Legend in Greece (my new home) is absoluty ok.

But I can still brag about being the first real life Dane reaching this rank \o/ (get a life MC 😛 )

To get the Visa-medal I still need 6 days of huge damagemaking, but goal is to reach it before New Year. Should be doable I think....

Last but not least - I'm looking forward to celebrate a 6 year birthday, as Minoans will turn 6 on same day as my 5th anniversary of emarriage, and 5 year birthday of Germark.

Our beloved Commander already wrote an article to remind us what is coming, the article can be read here here