999 days erepublik

Day 1,784, 13:13 Published in Romania Philippines by Nuclear tasos maximous

Dear diary…

January 14 2010 this was the time of my first log in to the new world, erepublik. 999 days have passed since then. I saw one add in facebook and I was here just like many of you. In the beginning I was 2 clicker I think this is they way that we all start.

As far as I remember is was Atsalenia that invited me to join my first MU HOPLITE PHALANX as a noob I made some mistakes but nobody is perfect. I met many people there some of them still are playing the game some of them I met in real life. I made my first steps there and I am happy for this.

After that I was in Greek National Army it was in V2 of erepublik it was good I have to say that I really enjoyed this version of erepublik because it wasn’t just a red button you had to think in order to play. But it was too expensive and required much time so owners change in the version that we see now.

Next chapter in my e-life was Hellenic Infantry. This MU was one of the most organized military units I have ever seen. Everything there was working like a Swiss watch supplies forum this was like nothing I have ever seen before.

MYRMIDONS. What more can I say about that? They are one of the best known Military Units in the new world. Pure strength and determination to win every battle the fight. But above all it was friendship, support, respect and treat as equal to all members these was good times. I was there for more than 1 year and it was my best year in erepublik. Brothers and sisters one day we will meet again.

Next stop was
GAMA everybody knows them when they go to a battle you already know the outcome. I was there only for few months but it was good. Tanking and trolling was in daily bases it was fun.

Changing cs and entering another country’s military unit was something new to me. The person who invited me there was Lord Vaako
and the name of the Military Unit
MAD. What more can I say about them I really enjoyed every day with them I have find out that we are the same people with the same dreams thoughts and concerns. It will be unfair to mention only few people from there. I love you all there.

My last stop is FAR. A Romanian Military Unit, I met some of FAR members in EMC chat so going there was easy because I knew many of them. I have a good time there they warm people and I really like them. Thank you all for accepting me there it is an honor for me.

Last but not least EMC. 12 April 2012 it was the day that I joined EMC. Many people from many countries all together. I really like them and I enjoy every day in chat. Too many good people there to many different cultures from various countries all of them with a common goal “have fun”.

This is my in game history in erepublik. There is also and Real Life history that has to do with erepublik. I met many people and I have a lot of fun every time I meet them. I made a trip with some of them in another county and it was FUN. I consider some of them best friends in Real Life and this is the best thing that this game gave me and maybe even more 🙂
Now I am only playing for the people that I met here and for those that I will meet thank you for all those great moments I had here.