[WTP] Congress is for the Birds

Day 1,888, 04:41 Published in USA USA by The Original Hawkie

Good day fellow WTPers. Today I come to you not as WTP Vice President, but as a fellow member.

In my first term in office, I chased the chickens out of "The Blue Hen State" and made Delaware "The Hawk State." Unfortunately, we no longer run for specific states, so my platform cannot be to "Hawk-ify" other members of the union.

My first platform for my first run for Congress, back in August 2012, was fairly bland with my only achievements really being my time served in TC and my current position as a Seal. That term I was running as a blocker for USWP and only late in the race decided to make a serious run.

Since then I've come a long way, working numerous positions in and around the government:

We The People Party Vice President
3x Bewbs4Newbs Director
3x Congresswoman
2x We The People Chief of Staff
Deputy Speaker of the House
National Security Council Deputy
We The People Communications Director
Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Training Corps

I joined We The People at John Jay's invitation to help start a new, different party in the Top 5. In We The People I've worked on various different project including engineering the voting model we're testing for the first time this term. While we've come a long way, we certainly have much farther to go.

(Dyed my head feathers white for the occasion.)

I believe the duties of Congressmen and women include: Upholding the Constitution; Passing a responsible budget; Assisting the President and Cabinet in protecting the country from enemies, both foreign and domestic; Cooperating with proper procedure; Contributing to discussion; Fostering good dialogue with new members; and properly representing my party in the government.

Those are the duties I pledge to continue to uphold should I receive your vote this term.

TL😉R: Vote for Hawkie or get cut

Campaign Song: Elected by Alice Cooper