[UKGov] The World This Week

Day 1,080, 13:28 Published in United Kingdom North Macedonia by Foreign Office
This was quite a busy week worldwide but with nowhere near the amount of military activity we experienced last night, it was also quite disappointing for Phoenix for a number of reasons. This is of course the last week of term and the upcoming Presidential election will pose many challenges to nations around the world. This week the UK hosted an intercontinental summit which was very successful and an article summarising the summit will be out tomorrow so be sure to read it!

PTO Threats in Russia and Portugal

Due to the total invasion of both Russia and Portugal,that was talked about in last weeks article, which wiped them totally off the map, they were unable to hold congressional elections in October. Therefore they currently have open citizenship which means anyone who moves there can get citizenship if they choose to.This could prove disastrous for both countries, who are under threat from a massive EDEN PTO attempt. This is why it is important for anyone who can to move to Russia or Portugal to move there on the 5th and vote for the official ATO candidates. For more information see this article: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-phoenix-erussian-ato-1562413/1/20

The Conflict in South East Asia

Wars have been raging across Serbian and USA held South East Asia for the past couple of weeks and it appears that these battles have reached a new level of intensity. The main reason for the conflict was that the USA wanted to remove Serbia from their high regions in South East Asia and attempt an invasion of the never before conquered Indonesia. The battles were generally close however in the last few days a major EDEN offensive was launched, which managed to conquer Serbia's last high region in Asia, in Sarawak. Worse was to come when the USA attacked Sabah, the last Serbian region in Asia, the day before yesterday. They won fairly easily and Serbia are now in a difficult situation, with only high grain to support their large population. The situation looks fairly grim for Indonesia with the USA now knocking on their door, although they managed to crush the US in their first attacks on the Indonesian mainland but it remains to be seen whether they can stave off a US invasion with no other allies in the region. The USA has just secured Sarawak, formerly held by Serbia, which was a very important battle as it gives the US and is a disappointing loss as

Invasion of Spain

As mentioned last week, France and Brazil have recently been taking part in an invasion of Brazil. This all started when Spain successfully took North of Brazil, one of Brazil's two native high Iron regions. Since then, Brazil and France have launched a large assault on Spain and their territories in Portugal. France attempted an attack on the Spanish capital Madrid and their high iron region, Asturias, which is one of the most profitable regions in the world. These attacks sadly failed and Spain have since expelled France from the Iberian peninsula but Brazil remain with a stronghold on the Canary Islands, which means they can easily reach Europe and potentially launch further attacks on mainland Spain. This will definitely be one of the conflicts to watch over the next few weeks. Spain have just launched an attack on the Canary Islands with Brazil attacking Lisbon, currently occupied by Spain.

Canadian Invasion of the UK

Canada began their latest invasion of the UK whilst Phoenix was distracted by the battles for North of Brazil and have advanced down the country slowly since then. They began with a successful attack on Scotland and have since moved slowly down towards our fortress region of London. They currently have control of Scotland, North East of England, North West of England and Yorkshire and Humberside. Staving off a full on invasion could be one of the major challenges of the next CP's term. Just a reminder that all UK citizens are encouraged to move to London, contact this org for moving tickets and assistance.

Finland Attempt to Wipe Estonia

Finland launched attacks on Estonia earlier this week, mainly due to their desire for high grain. Finland was successful with early attacks and managed to conquer all but one of the Estonian regions. However a spirited comeback has since returned most of these regions however Finland are still on the attack. It will be interesting to see if this conflict develops into a larger one that gains more interest from the warring nations' allies.

That's it for this week, I'd just like to reiterate how important it is to take part in the Russian and Portugese ATO efforts if you possibly can.

Minister of Foreign Affairs