[UK-Reform] A policy of reform - Part one

Day 1,868, 11:12 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Thomas765

Hello there,
After a few days of debating over the exact wording of some parts of the UKRP manifesto, we came to a lengthy conclusion of the implementation of contemporary UKRP policy.

i. Foreword

As a party, we don't have a constitution that we strenuously adhere to, nor do we have a senior council to make decisions on behalf of the party. Those powers are both in the hands of the party members in order to ensure democracy.

We have expanded our policies beyond the simple topics of Military, Foreign, Economic and Domestic policy, including topics such as communication and administrative policy.

Due to the length of our policies, we have decided to split it up into two articles. At the conclusion of both articles' release, we will be putting the full version on to the eRepublik Wiki and referencing policy in future articles.

ii. Topics

This article will feature:
1. Party Alignment
2. The roles and responsibilities of a party
3. Policy on our involvement with other parties
4. Military Policy
5. Foreign Policy
6. Administrative Policy

The following article will feature:
7. Tax Policy
8. Communication Policy
9. Domestic and Legislative Policy

1. Party Alignment

Historically we have described ourselves as the country's oldest and most successful centre-right party. We will maintain such image. However, it should be noted that our membership hosts a significant range of people from different beliefs, as such it should be said that we can be classed as a freethinker party, with varying views coming together as a party for the betterment of the nation. To sum up our national manifesto, as described on the party page, "The UK Reform Party has a long history of being a positive influence within the eUK. We pride ourselves on bringing some of the best experienced players together with a growing base of new players. UKRP is constantly looking to the future of our nation, making sure that we live up to our name."

We certainly hope to continue our presence in the future as much as we had in the past in contributing successfully to the strength of the United Kingdom, both militarily and domestically as all current parties hope to achieve and as most former parties had hoped to achieve.

2. The roles and responsibilities of a party

We in the UK are very firm on the idea that the UK comes before any party rivalries and so we try to avoid stoking them up where possible. We do this in a number of ways but perhaps the most notable is that we refuse to message members of other parties in order to try to get them to leave and join us (even when the other parties do it to us). It may make us a bigger party, but it would cause issues between members of the community and unity is more important than our party. As of recently, political unity has reached significantly new lows.

The other main difference we have from other parties is that we strongly believe in giving people of all levels equal chances. Many parties support newer members and only run new members for congress etc.

However, UKRP always end up running a mixture of experienced players and inexperienced ones. We give far more weight to how active and competent a player is than how old they are. After all, of course we don't want new members to get bored, but we also need some steady heads in congress and the cabinet, and we don't want old players to get bored either.

We believe that an essential part of any party is to create a community and contribute positively to the eUK community in order to welcome players and enhance their playing experience, i.e. everyone working together for the greater good and not necessarily for the greatest personal gain. I know alot of parties say that, but I think that we are rather different in our attitude which reflects our belief.

We are against the current trend which we are seeing more and more in the eUK which is players being (effectively) bribed to join certain parties with the promise of huge amounts of supplies and payouts. Of course there are times when supporting new players financially is good, but we believe that it has gone far too far in the political circle.

3. Policy on our Involvement with Parties

We wish to work with other parties for the betterment of the country, regardless of whether or not the other parties wish to work with us. Our members are entitled to their own opinions about other parties, whether positive or negative.

If a candidate wishes to have our support in an election, they must contact the party president or an official representative of the party in order to obtain our support, otherwise they will not appear on our primary election ballot.

4. Military Policy

As a past advocate for the existence of an official national military, we believe that the country should have a funded national military that would be agreed upon by the leadership of the UK. However, it is understandable that the current climate on eRepublik makes it near impossible for the government to make an income while funding a functional national military. In the past, we had championed our successes with the subsequent reforms of the national military that occurred throughout the years. We believe that any military that is officially recognised or funded by the government should be utterly non-partisan, with a fuctioning role of Anti-Takeover agents in terms of national political threat from organised groups coming from abroad.

We recognise that people may not want to be involved in the national military and are entitled to create their own military unit. However, they must rely on themselves for recruitment and finance.

5. Foreign Policy

We believe in continuing our membership of TWO, who have helped us out on many occasions over the past couple of weeks, especially with the planning and consquent conquer of Azores from Portugal. While we are members of TWO, we also believe in maintaining equally close ties to the Circle of Trust, which basically is our brother alliance.

Closer to home, it is our belief that relations with Ireland should be expanded in the future, potentially to an informal alliance. Our relationship with Ireland has changed dramatically over the last few years, from sworn enemy to peaceful mutual prosperity. Additionally, we believe that we should be improving our relations with Germany.

We believe that war should be an essential part of the lives of the eUK citizens both now and in the future. However, we will not sacrifice the nation to dangerous practices of war on the face of impulse. Only when war is necessary shall we instigate it, or defend ourselves from invading nations. If war is not possible then we believe a training war with a neighbour would be ideal to help eUK citizens with their true patriot medals.

6. Administrative Policy

We believe that a strong government should have a strong cabinet, while also including people that the country president agrees with instead of appearing to appease the parties. The government should maintain a regular presence to the public of the United Kingdom in all ministries, especially the Ministry of Home Affairs, which is charged with helping new players. With so many Ministerial swaps this month, we do not believe the government has been performing at full capacity with regards to their duties to the people of the UK. It is our duty as a party to seek accountability from every government, regardless of political alignment, and we believe that the Government must own up to it's mistakes and aspire to bear these failings in mind in future roles

On the issue of governance, it our belief that the ministers should have a workforce to handle that remains consistent every month. We wish to change the process in which workers are selected - we do not believe workers should be hired at the start of every presidential term. Instead, we would like to see workers constantly being hired and removed if they are unable to do tasks. This would allow for increased production from the workers. In addition to this, we believe in giving workers small rewards for their efforts if they are able to complete tasks set to them.

The next article will be released tomorrow, assuming all goes well

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Thank you for reading!