[TURP] Re-election Campaign

Day 2,216, 14:03 Published in USA Ireland by Thomas Killah

Hello fellow TURP members! This is your current party president, Thomas Killah! I am proud to announce that I will be reviving my re-election campaign!

So far the only serious campaigner, other than myself, is Liam J. Gallagher. Jkeller.... well, I don't know when he is and isn't on drugs so I'm pretty sure that speaks for itself. I had some writing here about Liam... but we talked that out in his article, where he first announced his campaign. One thing I would like to bring up from his article is one of his goals, "I will increase membership 2 fold..." Where have I heard that before? Oh, yeah! I remember writing something very similar, not as high as a goal as that though. In my last campaign, I said I was GOING TO increase the membership by AT LEAST 20 members. We all saw how that worked out, we lost more than we brought in. So I ask, how the heck are you going to double our membership, in 1 month???? Our recruitment isn't going very well, it started out gaining a little bit of members, then Dr. Reality made a house visit and slapped the illusion of progress from our minds.

We need to really come together as a whole, a truly united party, if we ever hope to achieve our goals and dreams in life as the next TRUE 6th party, and then beyond. What we don't need now are political promises(lies, unachievable goals, and propaganda). We NEED the truth, and that is what I'm giving. I know, I know some people can't handle the truth (jkeller), but it is in the best interest of the party. I will make no promises, not this month. I will only go with what I know, and the truth... the undeniable truth.

My goals this month:
- Get the Department of External Political Affairs up and running
- See how well the TURP Congress programs works out
- Work on an amendment of the TURP Constitution
Shouldn't be too hard
- Try to get at least 10 active members to in TURP Council
For better representation within the party
- See if we can get our name out by endorsing the DoE
6th parties are not part of the Academy curriculum, I'm pretty sure. So, we promote the DoE in our recruitment letters and a link to become a Mentee, Mentor, or Staff Writer in all our articles. In turn, for the DoE to teach about 6th parties, and describing what our party is really all about.

See no promises!
Remember: Recover, Regroup, Plan, Execute

This has been brought to you by,
Thomas Killah
Party President of The United Republic Party