"The Screams" Segment 3

Day 1,722, 16:18 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Hunter4Life123

We just left off where Christina Havens got caught by a criminal which she heard murder someone. Now she will attempt to escape.

Part VI: Demon of Death

A black bag over my head is the answer to the pitch black that I see. My hands have been handcuffed together. It feels as though I have been snatched out of a horror movie along with the murderer. This is seems extremely unreal!
Anyways, I feel that I am bring picked up. Now I am being set down. The room, actually, more of a box, is very small. As I heard the engine starting up, I soon realize that I am not in a box, but the trunk of a car.
Great. Just great, I think without hope. This is probably it. He’ll probably leave me here to die. I wish I had gone out fighting….
The dang car keeps chugging along, leaving bruises on my arms, legs, and head.
“Would you let me out now?” I scream at the driver. “Haven’t I suffered enough crap yet?”
“Just your little mouth or you’ll be mighty sorry, little girl,” he warns me. I ignore his petty little warning. I’m going to give this man a name…I will call him the Demon of Death. It’s D.D. for short. It’s very demeaning, but it seems appropriate for him, a murderer.
Anyways, I can hear and feel the car stopping…footsteps…and D.D. opening the trunk.
“So, you didn’t suffocate me in there. What’s your plan? What other way do you plan on killing me?” I demand.
“I told you to shut up.” D.D. responds in a steady voice as he hoists me up and onto his shoulder. It hurts my already sore body.
“Could you hurt me any less? Go easy on me!” I shout. Some people….He swung me up in the air and slammed me down on the hood of the car.
“I said shut up,” he says, just a bit too threateningly. I don’t say anymore. Now, I can hear, and feel, D.D. taking me down steps. To a cellar, I suppose. Maybe a dungeon. When we get down to the bottom, I am sat down and handcuffed to what I think is a pole. When the bag is removed from my head, stunning my eyes with light, I see that I am in a normal furnace room, and I am handcuffed to a normal pole.
D.D. takes my phone, probably thinking I will attempt to call 911, which actually, is not a bad idea.
Suddenly, I remember that I have a lock pick on me. I always have since the night D.D. murdered that girl. I think that I might be able to get the pick out of my pocket and into the handcuffs. But before I take the risk of being found out, I need a plan.
When D.D. leaves, currently he is staring at me intently, I will watch him when he opens the door. I will do my best to look out the door to see what is outside of this room. Then, knowing what lies ahead, I will take out the lock pick and free myself of my handcuffs. Quickly, I will run out of the room and run to wherever I can. Again, I have nothing to lose because it is certain he will eventually kill me.
D.D. walks toward the door, almost dragging his feet. Right when he opens the door, my plan is in action.

Part VII: Follow-Through

I look out the door as far as possible. It seems that we are in the basement of a normal home. A patio door is straight ahead, stairs on the left. A normal house actually seems perfect to hide a kidnapped girl; no one would suspect you would keep her in such a clean, obvious, normal setting.
Still executing my plan, I shimmy my hand down the pole so they can reach my front pocket, and grab the lock pick.
As I begin to attempt to free myself of these horrid metal handcuffs digging into my wrist, D.D. walks in. I hid the lock pick behind my back and pray to God that he won’t notice it. But instead of killing me for it, he doesn’t notice. But I notice that he has something in his hand. It appears to be my phone. When he sets it next to me, it appears that I am correct. But why is he giving it back to me?
As D.D. leaves, I ignore the phone, thinking of bigger problems.
I keep going on the handcuffs, and finally free myself. My wrists are cut and bleeding, but not too badly. So I grab my phone, and continue onward, to the door. I see again, the patio door ahead, and stairs to my left. Knowing D.D. is probably up those stairs, and that the patio door leads outside, I go for the patio door. I open it and am relieved to be outside.

Next we will see what happens now that she has escaped.