"The Screams"

Day 1,719, 14:11 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Hunter4Life123

I wrote this story when I was in fifth grade. Now I have revised it, greatly, and have chosen to share it with eSwitzerland and all others. This is only part of the story. I do not have the same font and things on eRepublik that I do on the document that I would like, but oh well. It is still the same story. 🙂 (The narrator here is not me, it is a fictional character, just so you know.) So here we go!

The Screams
by Hunter4Life123

Part I: Who I Am

Hey. I’m not great at writing up creative ways to say things, so I’m just gonna put it as it is. The name is Christina Havens. I’m 16, almost 17, years old, and hang around the allies in Malibu, California. You could call me homeless. I ran away from my full-time working father and abusive step-mother, so I currently don’t have a permanent home. But the streets are just fine. I am not a very feminine girl. In fact, I enjoy getting down and dirty. I have dirt-brown eyes and dirty-blonde hair. I hate hot pink and other really feminine things. So I hang out with the neighborhood guys.

Part II: Who The Others Are

Like I said, I hang out with the guys that hang around. There’s Jack, Samuel, Matt, and our “leader,” Storm. I think his real name is John, but we all call him Storm because he “storms” at basketball. I don’t make the rules, I just play by them….Anyways, all the guys wear the same things: sneakers, knee-high black socks, jeans or shorts, a hooded sweatshirt, and a really expensive hat. And they all act cool, but they’ve all got their own flaws.
Now, there is one other person I hang out with. She’s the only other girl in our group, and her name is April. She’s tall and skinny. She has the same brown eyes as me, but with a gold hue in them around the edges. Her hair seems the same way; brown with a slight hint of gold. Her hair is not curly, not straight, but it has just the perfect amount of waves. April always has a tan to complement her other great features. Sometimes it is really hard to not be really jealous of her. And, of course, the guys have all asked her out a couple of times, only to be shamed and walk away slumping disappointedly. But they don’t want to show that shame, so they attempt to hide it by pretending not to like April. But they are transparent and I see right through them.

Part III: The Abandonment

So now that I have given you the picture, I will start with my story. We need to hurry up.
One day I was shooting some hoops with the guys, when Storm offered me a cigarette. Everyone was smoking, including April, but me. I felt torn between the right thing and the popular thing, like so many other situations.
Should I take it? I had asked myself, No one would ever know… I had known it was wrong, but I also knew that, most likely, no one would find out…No. No! I don’t do things like that. I could easily kill myself, for Heaven’s sake!
“No thanks, Storm. I enjoy my life and I don’t want to end it.” I boldly rejected him. Feeling courageous, I stood straighter and squared my shoulders.
“What’s the problem, Havens? You scared or somethin’?” Storm joked. He laughed, and his buddies joined in. April, always remaining neutral, stood quietly off to the side as the guys made crude remarks about the state of my courage. But these snide comments only added fuel to the fire.
“Fine. Kill your idiotic little selves! No one is going to care if you die or not! No one! But I care about myself. So die. See if I care!” That was a turning point for me. If these people were going to offer me a cigarette and criticize my decision, then that’s good for them. But I needed new friends. So just like that, I pivoted sharply on the asphalt and walked briskly away.
And as I was doing so, a heavy-set, burly cop charged up. He glanced my way, looked me up and down, and noticed I was clean. So, without commenting on me, he kept storming towards the others. I took that as a free pass to go. From behind me I heard him yelling to them with an odd accent.
“You dirty kids better get outta here, err yer sorry butts are gonna be in jail and rosy red!” he warned. The others, at first, didn’t move. Then I heard them skitter away. I smiled, as if I had just won a small victory, thanks to the cop. So I just kept walking. I had finally abandoned my filthy friends.

In my next article, you will read about why it is called "The Screams". Be ready to be chilled.