[SP] [PL] Honour knows no boundaries.

Day 1,151, 05:25 Published in Romania Romania by Wallachian

This article is dedicated to some nearly-forgotten ties, to brothers who fought by our side for the last 2 years and who did NOT bend over in front of their countries politicians like they were supposed to do.

This article is dedicated to the Army of Spain who did their best to counter the ill-intended alliance made by Spain with Hungary.
For those who didn't forget that Hungary is the same country who ransacked your treasury. 15000 Gold which could have been used better have supported the Hungarian war effort instead. Effort directed against you.
For those who didn't forget that Hungary, as the main puppeteer, is the one who wiped you off the face of eRepublik, those who did their best to take your crown jewel, Asturias.
For those who did not forget the humongous Romanian & allied war effort to bring you back, to put Spain back on the map, to bring you back to your former glory and to help you set foot in France.
This article is for you, you who do not forget!

Who is the enemy, you ask. The enemy is the corrupt, its the egocentric, its the power ridden politician who gives a flock about you, who follows only his own interests, or the interests of his jackals pack. Its the 20 out of 38 who voted in favor of alliance with Hungary. Its those who sing and force you to dance.
I say enough is enough! Take back the power!

And second, this article is dedicated to the majority of the Army of Poland who did not follow the mass betrayal lead by your country president, a few of his acolytes and the 2 military units Horthy Renegades and Perun.
This article is for you who did not forget the baby slaughter which took place a year ago lead by your so-called RL friends.
For those who did not forget all the times the Romanian army stood by your side in Lithuania, or in Russia, or in France.
For those who are Polish citizens and military who do not support the Lolish puppet state lead by the current president, who do not give in to the anti-EDEN, anti-brotherhood, anti-honour propaganda.
For those who want to fight for their brethren no matter the odds and NOT "for teh lullz" as some of your mass mogul trolls would like you to. Comics come and comics go. A giggle might entertain you for a while. Betrayal will "entertain" you for ever.

Who is the enemy, you ask. The enemy is the same corrupt, egocentric, power ridden government who manipulates man and mind in believing something else than what is natural.

People of Spain and Poland, I know what you going through. The same shameless anti-national, anti-brothers, anti-EDEN propaganda is going on in Romania as well, where the country president (who obtained almost 1000 votes by lying his electorate), country vice-president, MoFA and other high ranked users lobby for peace with Hungary.
Results so far: 19 votes against the law proposal of "No Natural Enemy law" and only 6 for. 19 congressmen who think with their Romanian hearts and not with their puppeteers minds.

And in the end, what the flock is EDEN after all? An acronym? A tree? A bunch of people who take decisions for the others?
Or is it a brotherhood, a "band of brothers", a group of war beaten warmongers who cant get enough clenching their thirst in their enemies blood?

If for you EDEN is a name then just go ahead and replace it with another.
If for you EDEN means friendship and brotherhood between Spaniards, Poles, Romanians, Croats, Greeks, Finns, Canadians and so on, then I urge you to stay and fight.

So what are you? SOLDIER or POLITICIAN?

Luckily I know the answer, and it is in the fact that the Spanish and Polish armies did not fight for Hungary in Maramures.

All is not lost.