[Royal Navy] - Victory in Nova Scotia!

Day 631, 05:21 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Royal Navy
Sun. Rice cakes. Pickpockets. Clear white clouds and deep blue sky coupled with the frenzied squeaking of the USA as it was trampled underfoot by the mighty PEACE GC alliance. It was a day in Java like any other, liquid heat and Q1 guns to fingerwhizz. Apart from the resounding call of the most mighty and handsome Commodore Reprah as he gave his war cry and decimated several highly suspect cheeseburgers, the atmosphere was tranquil, almost unassuming. And blinking furiously, like some sort of alarm signal.. wait, doesn't that mean..

Over the weekend Canada initiated three resistance wars, resulting in a homeward call to arms. Although our troops fought valiantly we eventually lost three of our new regions, including New Brunswick, high in wood and one of our agreed permanent regions, Newfoundland and Labrador, with high oil, and Prince Edward Island, probably the best region in the world, as the Wiki professes.

However, with the subsequent assault on Nova Scotia, the combined defensive force of all four military branches working simultaneously was enough to quell the rebellion and secure the region!

Thanks to all who participated!

P.S., We are working, as always, on producing and supplying more weapons for upcoming wars. Make sure you subscribe!