[RN] Strike Sunday - day 3,218 + IDEAS WANTED!

Day 3,219, 05:11 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Royal Navy

Good day shipmates. Welcome to this week’s Royal Navy Strike Sunday report.

Here’s who took part this week…

As you can see, 5 sailors took part, causing mayhem and havoc to the tune of 210,662,870 total damage.

I’m not going to lie - only five people turning up to the Strike - especially when the eUK is under attack - is disappointing. Come on lads! Everyone who can be online on a Sunday afternoon should be taking part in this. We supply the weapons and food, you supply the damage.

Individual performance
This week’s top fighters by Regiment are:

Regiment 1
1st place: Cluff (5,714,06😎

Regiment 2
1st place: VoodooMike71 (12,899,344)

Regiment 3
1st place: Tinman1 (7,402,79😎

Regiment 4
1st place: Evil Doctor (170,405,264)
2nd place: BitchWilly (14,241,396)

New ideas wanted!
Strike Sunday has been around for a very long time - it’s probably the RN’s most cherished institution. Since long before I was around the Royal Navy has been supporting and encouraging young players, while dealing serious amounts of damage to support the eUK and her allies.

And whenever there’s a Strike Sunday, there’s a Strike Sunday article. Like this one. Most of the time they show how individuals and Regiments have done in the strike, and recently we’ve tried to freshen them up a little with some pointless charts and the 50 Q7 weapons MVS award each week.

However, maybe it’s time for something a little more … revolutionary. At least as far as the articles are concerned, anyway.

So, this is a call - a call to all members of the Royal Navy to come up with ways to improve the Strike Sunday articles (and, who knows, maybe even the strike itself). We’re looking for new ideas that will:

1. Improve participation in Strike Sunday - this one is especially important!
2. Reward, in new and interesting ways, the people who take part
3. Help encourage new players to join the RN
4. Maybe pitch Regiments against each other a little more competitively?
5. Anything else you like really! Get creative!

The Royal Navy Ideas Department is waiting for you

Bear in mind that any ideas you come up with have to be fair to all RN members, no matter what their strength or division. And - at the moment at least - the reward fund you have to play with is 50 Q7 weapons per week (although don’t let that stop you coming up with new ways of rewarding people). Oh, and if they could be easy to run and maintain, so I don’t have to spend hours working stuff out every week, that would be good too. Assume extreme laziness on my part when suggesting new ideas 🙂

This is the second week of calling for ideas. We got a few good ones last week, but we need more! To help things along, I’ve got a 100 Q7 reward pot to play with. I’ll double that myself to make it 200 Q7 weapons. Any ideas I like will automatically receive 10 Q7 weapons, and I’ll see what’s left over at the end to give away.

So, get involved! Come up with some ideas and put them in the comments, or PM me (VoodooMike71) with them. Let’s see if we can change things around a bit and keep the Royal Navy in the place it deserves - as the eUK’s best MU.

Signing off
That’s it for this week. Well done everyone!

Now what are you hanging around here for? Those decks won’t swab themselves.

Compiled by:
Captain - Regiment 2 (HMS Sheffield)

What MU are you in? Really? Well it’s the wrong one. You should join the Royal Navy instead.

The Royal Navy runs its regiments based on sailors’ divisions, as follows:

Regt/Div 1:- HMS Victory (a.k.a.HMS Abrantes [RIP Alex])
Regt/Div 2:- HMS Sheffield (a.k.a. HMS Mick Cain)
Regt/Div 3:- HMS Ark Royal
Regt/Div 4:- HMS Conqueror
Regt 8/any - HMS Marie Celeste (for inactives and builder - unlikely to post damage)