[RN] Strike Sunday - day 3,099

Day 3,100, 02:12 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Royal Navy

Good day shipmates. Welcome to this week’s Royal Navy Strike Sunday report.

Here’s who took part this week…

As you can see, 11 sailors took part, causing mayhem and havoc to the tune of 375,333,921 total damage. Nice work lads!

Fun with charts
Top attendance this week was from Regiment 2.

Our weekly damage total was gooooood...

graphs on black backgrounds are definitely the future

Individual performance
This week’s top fighters by Regiment are:

Regiment 1
None! Nobody from Regiment 1 showed up this week. More on this in a moment.

Regiment 2
1st place: GrEnDeLi (9,074,20😎
2nd place: Nights0ul (4,415,472)
3rd place: VoodooMike71 (3,352,272)

Regiment 3
1st place: suezo31 (67,070,380)
2nd place: xDammx (8,424,10😎
3rd place: Tinman1 (3,140,140)

Regiment 4
1st place: mick cain (177,186,129)
2nd place: Evil Doctor (72,167,040)
3rd place: BitchWilly (21,285,990)

Regiment 8
1st place: Bad Carrot (9,218,082)

Where was Regiment 1?
We didn’t have anyone from Regiment 1 at the Strike this week, which is a shame as the Strike is a great opportunity for you guys to bag some much-needed resources. When I was starting out I could virtually live a week off the Strike Sunday kit.

So, instead of giving 50 Q7 weapons to an MVS I’m going to roll them over into next week and divide them up equally between everyone from Regiment 1 who turns up and posts damage.

That’s right - you heard it here first; next week there will be 100 Q7 weapons to share amongst Regiment 1. Tell your friends! Mark the day in your calendar! Most importantly, make sure you’re at next week’s Strike Sunday!

(PS - if any wealthy philanthropists want to make a donation and boost next week’s Regiment 1 prize pool even more, just give me (VoodooMike71) and shout. Food would be good, or even more Q7 weps)

Take part in Strike Sunday!
Taking part couldn’t be easier. When the Strike is running (every Sunday afternoon - check the RN feed for the time) all you have to do is:

.1. Request a strike kit
.2. Fight like you mean it
.3. Post your damage

That’s it. Done. Sorted. Bosh.

If you want a more information, simply check out this Strike Sunday article - everything you need to know is in there. But don’t forget, if you take a kit you MUST post your damage, otherwise you won’t get kits in the future.

Signing off
That’s it for this week. Well done everyone!

Now what are you hanging around here for? Those decks won’t swab themselves.

Compiled by:
Captain - Regiment 2 (HMS Sheffield)

What MU are you in? Really? Well it’s the wrong one. You should join the Royal Navy instead.

The Royal Navy runs its regiments based on sailors’ divisions, as follows:

Regt/Div 1:- HMS Victory (a.k.a.HMS Abrantes [RIP Alex])
Regt/Div 2:- HMS Sheffield (a.k.a. HMS Mick Cain)
Regt/Div 3:- HMS Ark Royal
Regt/Div 4:- HMS Conqueror
Regt 8/any - HMS Marie Celeste (for inactives and builder - unlikely to post damage)