[RN] RN and the NMU

Day 3,081, 02:22 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Royal Navy

You can’t have failed to have seen the widespread national debate on a National Military Unit (NMU) for the eUK. The NMU has now been set up and has opened its doors to new recruits. Therefore, the Royal Navy would like to take this opportunity to express its view and - specifically - explain why we have chosen not to join the NMU.

The Royal Navy has a long and glorious history of fighting for the eUK, as part of the British Armed Forces. We have a strong and fiercely loyal membership - loyal both to the eUK and to the RN itself. The success of the RN is based upon the hard work - over many years - of our founders and sailors, all of whom selflessly put aside their time and resources to support the MU.

We also have a history of supporting new and young players, setting them on the path to successful military careers. Many significant eUK figures have been involved in the RN at sometime or other, and this tradition of nurturing players is something we are very proud of.

Of course, our friends in other MUs have similar histories and traditions, of which they are similarly proud. In some ways that’s the point - we believe that a nation benefits from having a range of MUs with different outlooks, priorities and goals (as long as they are focussed on supporting the eUK).

A significant feature of the RN is that we are totally apolitical. While we follow MoD orders and consider ourselves to be a key part of the eUK’s military capability, we do not allow any government, party or other political influence or funding within the MU. We don’t even allow political debate on our MU feed and chatroom.

We believe that our complete independence from the government - politically, financially and militarily - is a key benefit that the RN provides to the eUK as a whole. No matter which direction our government takes, the RN will always be a strong and dedicated MU fighting for the overall good of the country. The eUK is currently blessed with a stable government and constitutional dictatorship; we remember that this has not always been the case. Our country has had more than its fair share of rogue leaders, but throughout difficult times it has always had an independent RN on which it can rely.

We also note that there is an element of central taxpayer funding for the new NMU. With funding comes the possibility of direct or indirect political influence on the direction and running of the MU. This is not something that the RN wants to expose itself to.

The RN looks to support its members wherever possible, and we have a support package that - we feel - is second to none (including that on offer to members of the new NMU).

As the RN is entirely self-supporting, all members are eligible to take jobs at RN supply communes. There are many communes and they all pay a set wage of:

12 Q7 weapons + 10 CC per day

Which works out at…

84 Q7 weapons + 70CC per week

On top of this, all members are encouraged to take part in our weekly Strike Sunday, and receive 30 Q7 weapons and 300 Q5 food for doing so.

So, a sailor who works every day and takes part in our weekly strike will receive…

114 Q7 weapons, 70 CC and 300 Q5 food

...per week. At current market values that equates to over 2,000 CC per week, or just under 300 CC per day.

There is no bias towards players based on strength or experience, and - importantly - we don’t encourage players to fight more than they should in order to earn their wage. We believe that our members should be rewarded well simply for being a part of the RN and contributing to our overall position as the eUK’s leading MU.

...and bonuses
As well as the excellent reward package available to every sailor, there’s also the opportunity to earn bonuses and extras. For instance:

- Most RN communes allow overtime, so you can earn even more Q7 tanks (check with your employer first though)

- Post on the RN feed when you rank up. Up to the level of Field Marshall you get 20 Q6 weapons for a full rank and 10 Q6 weapons for a sub-rank (i.e. a star). From Field Marshall onwards they turn into Q7 weapons.

- There is a 50 Q7 weapons prize up for grabs in each Strike Sunday

RN members are very well supplied, with ample extra opportunites to earn even more. We feel it would be unfair to ask our members to switch to a different reward scheme by joining the NMU.

In closing…
We wish the NMU all the very best. It has been set up with good intentions by some good people, and we sincerely hope that it succeeds in its aims.

However, we feel that the loss of our history as an MU, the lack of full political independence and the lower rewards for our members are costs of membership that we’re not prepared to ask our members to pay.

Therefore the RN will continue as an independently funded apolitical MU, fighting for the eUK. Rest assured that we will continue to follow MoD orders as before, and we encourage the government and MoD to continue communicating its orders to us.

And our doors will remain open to any eUK player that wants to join us, take advantage of our membership benefits and make their mark on our history.

VoodooMike71 Captain of Regiment 2 - HMS Sheffield
On behalf of the Royal Navy command team: Massacar, Evil Doctor, Suezo31 & mick cain